The Coffee Shop & The Time

"Bring this to the Human Resources, Julia. Have it signed then pass it back to me" Darren ordered Julia and she nodded before leaving the office to do what she has to do.

He sighed and went back to the new papers he has to sign for this new day. He had thought back about Hugo last night. Unintentionally. His mind just reared back to him coming to the company and showing himself again for months.

He really do hate that man. The cause for all of these. Yes, he blames him for that.

He look over to the new business proposal he has at his desk, he has three new to read over and carefully decide on and he will be having another lunch meeting at twelve.

Busy day. Busy day.

He was busy with his own work for what felt like hours when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in" he spoke

The door opened and when Darren raised his head to look, he saw Mia.

"Sir, someone is looking for you"