The Game Of Money & Bribery

The next morning, Butler wake him up and told him that Atty. Elroy is here again. Butler Roy had met Hugo yesterday and initially thought it was Tim until he realized the color of his eyes and the mysterious disappearance of the neck tattoos.

"Atty. Elroy is in the living room" informed Butler Roy when Darren opened the door yawning.

"Again? What time is it?" he asked.

He looked at his wrist watch before answering, "Seven"

Darren nodded and went to brush his hair and pulled a robe over his body before going downstairs to see his parents talking to him.

"How did yesterday go?" his mother asked.

Hugo smiled slightly, "Unfortunately, we still haven't got any lead"

His mother sighed, "Poor thing. I hope you'll find him soon enough, Hugo"

"Thank you. I apologize for dragging Darren with me and enforcing him to leave your company"