The Encounter

"Good evening, gentlemen"

Darren turned his head to look at the entrance and saw what might people can refer to as someone as beautiful as a bright lightning. That's really what came to his mind aside from the question of who this handsome man is.

A relative? A cousin? An uncle?

He looked at the man approaching the dining table while simultaneously wondering why Tim cursed for two more times. The man had such a clean beard, trimmed nicely and suited him gorgeously. The use of adverbs may seem redundant but a person cannot really blame Darren. That view is just astounding.

He had a simple hairstyle but the most intense of his features was his eyes. Darren had realized the case, two different eye colors lay upon those icy stare. The left one like Tim's while the right one like Hugo's. However, they were icier and had generated more unknown air of bizarreness than Kari and colder than Tim's rage.