The Shirt, The Movie, & The Kisses

Darren opened his eyes and immediately heard what seemed to be a soft music roaring from downstairs. He yawned before propping himself on his elbows and looked around. It's just their second day and the room is all in shambles. Tim's white shirt is thrown haphazardly on the floor along with some pillows and one of his shirts too.

He sighed. The sliding door to the balcony in the room is wide open and from his spot, he can hear that soft chirping of some birds and the familiar sound of the waves. He smiled at the peacefulness that came from it followed by the nice array of sunshine he can see from outside.

He giggled right after. Remembering that nice night they had yesterday. A simple dinner while watching some DVD's and well, throw in some making out in there too. The memory sparked his mind and unconsciously, his fingers lingered to his lips. Blushing at the memory of Tim's lips brushing against his own.