The Bestfriends

Lily sighed as she stared at Lee. The always handsome Lee was busy staring on his own phone who was busy talking with Aunt Celina for updates.

Aw. How nice it would be to have a date with him right now. Not platonically of course. But definitely romantically. It would be nice to spend the day with him in a date. But she's not complaining right now. 

Every moment is as good as any. She thought.

She sighed dreamily, ears hearing some words Lee is telling to Aunt Celina but she's not really processing the statements at all. She was just staring at the view she's very much grown fond of. Every angle, every side, every contour of his face.

How handsome. She really do have a taste but unfortunately, it seemed as if Lee doesn't. because if he does, they would've been a couple by now. Considering how one hell of a catch Lily could be. She giggled delightedly at the though, giving a peace sign when Lee glanced at her.