My Wife

Third Person's Point of View

THERE ARE no students can be seen in the hallway because it’s now class hours. But Ayana was walking on the pathway as her teacher ordered her to get some papers on her office.

Gavin wasn’t with her because he has basketball training. As she continued walking, cold water suddenly splashed her from above. She immediately looked up but she just heard footsteps running away. She didn’t even see who’s the annoying person who did that to her.

She was soaking wet. She can’t figure out who’s the possible person who can do that to her. Before her anger engulfed her, she just went to her locker and just decided to change her clothes. Fortunately, she has extra clothes inside her locker.

She was flabbergasted when she saw Sophia. She was inside the locker room too. Sophia looked at her with her eyes wide open.

“Why are you wet, Ayana?” Sophia came to her. “Did you accidentally slip at the pool?”