
Amelthia sat on the pathway thinking about the man earlier.

Who was he?


Amelthia and the boy stood there looking at each other.

The young man with those intimidating eyes tried to cut off the awkward atmosphere so he started first

" Well...i am-"


The man's phone rang.

"Yes sir!"


"Sure sir! will be there in 5 mins."

The man hung up and put the phone in his pocket.

"Well...miss i need to go..again sorry..Bye."

The man said in a hurry and ran off in the crowd behind Amelthia.

Amelthia stood there shock ..........

what just happened??

Amelthia shrugged her shoulders and shook her head as she walked off and sat on the pathway.

>>>>>>FLASHBACK END<<<<<

Amelthia exhales a deep sigh.

" Now where to go?..."

She stood up and started walking in random directions. While walking she noticed the markets and the buildings around and one of the building reminded her of the time she went there with her dad.


10 years ago

Amelthia and her Dad stopped in front a building. Amelthia being curious kid asked her father,

"Dad why are we here?"

"Amel this is where your mom worked before and we are here to talk with her boss to take some files."

Her father replied to her.

Amelthia was really close to her parents specially her mother. They would share stories and little things. So Amelthia was surprised that her mother never shared thus with her.

" never told me."

Amelthia and her dad walked in the building and entered the lift pressing the 6 floor button. The lift dinged and the door opened revealing desks and men in black uniform walking around with files in their hands.

Amelthia and her dad walked straight until they stopped outside a door having a board


Amelthia's dad before entering the office looked at Amelthia

" Amel can you wait here for dad hmm?"

Amelthia passed a smile and nodded.

"Yes dad."

Amelthia walked and sat on the chair outside as Amelthia's dad entered the office.

Amelthia waited outside the room like a good girl swinging her legs. She was getting bored as her dad was taking long so she stood up and started wandering around the floor. She went to different desks examining the things on it the torch's, the guns, the handcuffs and much more things. She walked back to the chairs and opened the door to the room slightly to see his dad holding on to the gun and pointing to chief's head. She widened her eyes and closed the door and stayed out.

"Why is dad pointing the gun on his head?? He said he's mum's boss."

"Should i go inside?? or not?? No dad told me to wait outside."

Amelthia walked to the chair's and sat down waiting as different thoughts passed her mind.

>>>>>>FLASHBACK END<<<<<<

Amelthia took a deep breath and thought of going inside and ask for help.

"Maybe they would help me."

Amelthia takes a deep breath and walked in the building and entered the lift going up on the 6th floor.

The lift dinged and the door opened as she walked out of the lift and looked around.

A lot of things changed. The desks were no longer there instead there were glass walls around making compartments. Amelthia walked to the chief's door knocking on it.


"Come in!"

The voice came from behind the door.

Amelthia hesitantly opened the door and entered inside.


The chief looked at Amelthia after hearing a female voice.

"Oh ... who are you??"

" Uh...i am Amelthia singer and i...i uh need some help."

Amelthia in a tone maybe the Chief would remember her surname and recognize.

The Chief examined Amelthia's condition from head to toe.

" Please have a seat."

Amelthia walked towards Chief's desk and sat down on the chair next to it. The chief moved his things back and looked at Amelthia sympathetically.

"How can i help you miss??"

Chief asked with a soft and concern voice.

" Can you help me. I need some place to stay. I will explain and tell you everything."

Amelthia without any other discussion just asked for help.


The Chief came out of the room followed by Amelthia.

"Mister Felix!"

Chief called one of the guards.

A young man around 25 yrs old came running and stood in front of the chief.

Amelthia look at the man and her eyes widen.


Amelthia pointed at the man.

The man looked back at the girl and couldn't recognize her but he found her attractive, she had soft brown eyes , short hairs till her shoulders, small cut on her cheek and a sharp nose . His brows furrow as he looked at her confusingly.

"Amelthia do you know him??"

Chief looked at them with brows furrowed and confusion visible in his expressions.

"Well kinda....we bumped into each other few hours ago."

Amelthia explained.

" Felix i am appointing you as her personal guard around because you are the best one here."

Chief said with a slight smile yet a ordering tone.

" Yes sir. Thank you sir."

" Show her around and take her to the hostels, she will stay there."

The Chief gave him his last order.

"Yes sir."

Felix bowed and looked at Amelthia.

The Chief walked into his office leaving them alone.

"This way miss."

Felix said pointing to the lifts.

Amelthia nodded and followed him all the way to the car. Felix opened the door of a black car as Amelthia sat in the car.

Felix sat in the drivers seat and drove her to the hostels at the back of the building.

"I am taking you to the hostel directly because there is not much to see in the building , the floor which is for the witnesses is locked so you can see that tomorrow. For now you should first take the clothes from the attendant there and then sleep. I will pick you up 9 in the morning."

Felix said everything as he drove to the hostel and when he stopped, the car halted in front of the hostel.

Amelthia listened to him trying to process all the words he said.

"Oh ok. Thank you."

Felix pushed the break and the car halted in front of the building.

" We are here you can go in."

Amelthia nodded and just left the car walking inside the building.


Felix drove back to the building while thinking.

She looked in a bad state. Well now i am going to be bodyguard. Finally getting a proper task after so long. Felix cheer up! Lets sleep! Have a long day ahead.

Felix yawned as he reached the men hostel. He came out of the car and walked inside stretching. Felix tiredly walked into his room with white walls, a desk and a neat bed. He threw his shoes and just plopped on the bed not caring to change and dozed off.