
The old man pushes the young boy in the cupboard.

Man: "Don't come out!"

The boy confused to what is happening but still he just nodded back. The door of the cupboard shut close as the footsteps of someone coming closer could be heard. The boy peaked from the cupboard and saw a tall person with black outfit and black boots. He rose his hand with black gloves holding on a gun. The boy panicked at the view in front of his eyes. The hood man pointing the gun at the boys father.

"Any last wish!!??"

Old man: "Leave my family alone!! I will.do everything."

"Too late man, too late."

The hood man said with a raspy voice. The boy was about to leave the cupboard just then the sound of gunshot and a female scream was heard.

I...it-s Mo-m.

"Oops! I guess it was your wife!"

The old mans eyes widen on the scream as tears threatened to fall.

The boy's tears fell drastically. As a whimper was about to leave his mouth he pressed his hands on his mouth to muffle it.

The boy couldn't see his father's face as the old man's back was facing him.

The boy prayed in his mind for his fathers safety but guess his prayers didn't work.

The old man looked at the hands holding the gun about to press the trigger. He closed his eyes shut.



Felix woke up with a loud scream. His heart throbbing in his chest, his breath uneven and heavy, sweat forming on his forehead and trailing down and tears falling on his cheeks.

He pulled his hairs with both of his hands as he sighed.

No matter how many times he tries to let go of his past but then it would come in his dreams and trigger him about its presence.

He cried in his hands when the alarm brought him to reality. It was time for work.!!


He got up to freshen up and wore his black attire and the microphone and got hold of his other things and left for his car. He still felt weak inside, it wasn't something new but whenever he would dream about his parents, he would eventually fall sick no matter what.

But this time it was different he can't fall sick. He had to find about Amelthia's identity. The curiosity building inside him every passing minute was not letting him stop or rest.

Today was the day he would get the information about Amelthia's true self. His all questions would be answered.

Who is Amelthia?? Where did she come from?? Why did she left those important columns empty?? Where is her family??

With these questions lingering in his mind he entered the security department, to find everyone tense around him. Every bodyguard would eye him with panic and sympathy.

"What is going on!?? Why are you all not working??"

Felix asked with a confused look.

Guard 1: "Sir uh....ch-chief is looking for you."

Felix :" Then what is so new in it?? He calls me daily. Why are you all looking at me like that??"

Guard 2:"He's mad sir. He was here when your phone in office rang and he picked it up."

Felix eyes widen . The worse thing he could think was

Did the detective called?? Then he must have known I was looking for Amelthia's information.

Felix tries his best not to show worry to his guard's.

"Ok. I will go see him. All of you!! Back to work!"

With that Felix walked to chief's office gulping hard. Last time chief got mad was like months ago and it was bad.

He gathered his courage and knocked on the door.


"Come in!"

The chief growled from behind the door.

He's in really bad mood!!

Felix mentally face palmed.

Felix hesitantly walked in.

"Sir you called me."

Chief was standing by the window and looking outside when he heard the knock. He knew it would be Felix so he let him in quick. As soon as Felix voice was heard the Chief turned around passing a deadly glare to Felix.

The glare the chief passed to Felix send chills down his spine.

"Where were you last night??"

Chief asked in a light yet angry voice.

"Nowhere sir. I was in my room."

Felix said in a scared tone.

"Then why the hell you didn't picked up your phone!!??"

Chief growled back at him.

" Sir my phone was dead maybe. I didn't notice the call."

Felix explained quick after seeing Chief being really angry.

The chief pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"How can you be so careless Felix??!!"

"We were calling you the whole night and there was no response!!"

The chief tried to explain in a calmed tone.

"Why sir ?? What happened??"

Felix finally asked.

" You were suppose to protect Amelthia. And you were in your room resting?? She was in danger last night! She said she saw someone taking pictures of her when she was walking around!"

Chief poured out the main talk.

"What!!?? Sir I didn't knew any of this. I am sorry. I will not give you another chance of complain."

Felix said in surprise and quickly apologized before Chief could get more angry.

Chief sighed heavily and gestured him to go away.

Felix left the room looking down at his feet.

As Felix left the room he let out a sigh of relief.

Thank god.

Just when he was walking in the hallway down, his phone rang.


Felix grab a hold of his phone and looked at the caller id.

'Detective Ben'

He looked around and picked up his call.

"Yes Ben??"




"Have you checked properly??"


"How is it possible??"


"Is it really the truth??"


"This is totally unbelievable!"


"Okay. Thanks. Bye"


Felix hung up shocked from all the information Ben gave to him. He couldn't believe his ears.

He slide the phone back into his pocket. He stood there in astonishment.

"This is totally strange!!"

Felix speed walked out of the building to his car to meet Amelthia. He will ask her himself. If what he was told was true or not.... He needed answers.

He got in his car and drove to the WSC hostel.

He stopped the car in front of the hostel and got out of the car standing by door.

He fixed his clothes and walked in. He went straight into the staff's room.

"Where is Amelthia Mam??"

Felix asked in hurried tone.

Mandy looked at Felix in confusion.