Hide Again

"Don't shoot, don't shoot."

"Kris, what the hell are you doing here??"

Felix gritted through his teeth as he lowered his gun.

Kris panted, out of breath from running down the pathway hidden by the trees, and held up a finger to catch her breath.

Kris was a new recruit but a very talented one, Felix liked her determination in work.

"You..." pant "you guys need to leave!! Now!!"

She held up a piece of paper up to his face.

"What?? What do you mean??"

Felix grabbed the paper and quickly read it.

"WHAT!?!? How!? How is this possible!??"

He asked shocked and looked at her face.

"I'll answer you later, just get whoever you are protecting and come with me NOW, sir! We don't have much time!!!"

She held onto his arm, to emphasize the urgency. Felix ran his hand through his hair.

"Ok, ok! Let me go get her and grab some stuff!! Give me 5 min!!"

He quickly got out of her grip and ran up.