Day 1

Next morning Felix woke up early and brought Amelthia's clothes she needed from the guy chief had sent. He placed the bag in lounge and the food bag in the kitchen on the counter.

It was 10 in the morning now. Amelthia was still asleep. Felix went up the stairs.

With each step his heartbeat getting faster. He cleared his throat and knocked on the door.


"Miss Amelthia!! Its morning. Wake up."

He waited for a response but when he got none so he knocked again.


"Miss Amelthia??!"

Amelthia woke up on the sound of the door knocking. She got up and stretched her arms out yawning. She got out of the bed. She opened the door her hairs a mess and her still yawning. But as soon as she noticed Felix standing at the door she slammed shut the door again.

Her running a marathon.

" oh-...."

Felix chuckled silently at her action.

Felix cleared his throat.

"Ahm.... Miss Amelthia i guess you are awake, I will bring your bag and leave it here, so please come quick and have your breakfast."

"O-hh o-ok!"

Amelthia tried to sound normal but ended up stuttering.

Felix chuckled and shook his head walking down the stairs.

Amelthia came back to her senses and walked to her bed sitting down and she stomped her feet.

"Ughhhh...he saw me like this..why why whyyyy...ughh. Amelthia you are so dumb!!"

She threw her body back on the bed whining like a kid.

Amelthia jolted on another knock.

"I am leaving your suitcase here. Take it . I will be in the security room."

Amelthia heard Felix going downstairs.

Amelthia waited for 5 minutes and then opened the door and peeked out. Amelthia saw a blue suitcase outside.

She smiled and took the suitcase inside. She quickly opened the suitcase and dig through her clothes grabbing some jeans and a loose shirt. After 30 min she went down after doing her morning routine.

Felix was talking to one of his guards on phone when he saw Amelthia coming down the stairs. Amelthia looked at him with a questioning look to what she has to do now. Felix gestured her to the kitchen.

Amelthia nodded in response and walked to the kitchen to see a neat and clean kitchen and food nicely placed on the kitchen counter.

"You should not keep standing here. Go and have your breakfast."

Amelthia flinched on the sudden voice and looked back at Felix standing near her. Her heart skipped a beat at the closeness.


She stuttered.

Amelthia just turned her face hiding her blush and walked to the counter taking her seat.

"S-sit down..."

She asked Felix being a little hesitant.

Felix just sighed and sat across the counter facing Amelthia.

Felix noticed the awkwardness so he broke the silence.

"So you had a nice sleep??"

"Huh-...oh yea...I miss being at hostel already. There were people around me. Mandy and Ann were nice."

Amelthia said looking at her lap.

"I am glad you like it here. I don't know how much more time you have to stay here but lets hope the day will come soon that you would go back to hostel."

felix said in a calming tone.

Amelthia just looked here and there and tried to avoid Felix's gaze.



The Boss was fuming with anger.

Boss: "You useless morons!! You couldn't even follow a car!!!"

The Boss pushed the leader of the team back in anger.

The leader: "We are sorry Boss! But they tricked us!"

The Boss scoffed at him.

Boss: " Yeah...they tricked you and you couldn't use your useless brains and got tricked..HUH!!??"

The men flinched and moved a step back.

Boss: "You guys are useless! You are not going to this mission anymore. Go away!"

The leader: "But boss..."


The men just nodded and left the boss alone.

The boss walked towards his target board and pulled out his knife pointing it at the picture.

Boss: "I wont let you run more baby. Just wait I will get you for sure."

The boss smirked and walked out of the room banging the door behind, picture clutched in his hand tight.


The chief was looking through his previous files to find any previous record about the car plate numbers they noted.

He went through computer records, past files of victims but couldn't find anything.

"We have nothing in here....I guess i need to meet Amelthia again ,maybe she has some information..."

Chief sat on his chair n rested his elbows on the table and pinching his nose bridge with one and resting the other one.

All of this was disturbing for him, Felix amd Amelthia the most.

Chief picked his phone and called Felix.

Felix answered.

"Yes sir?!"

Chief: "Tell miss Amelthia that I am coming to meet her and its important."

Felix : "Whats the reason sir?? Did you find something??"

Chief: "Felix you are not suppose to ask this just do what is asked."

Felix : "Yes sir.."

With that chief hung up.

Felix started slow pacing around.

What the hell is going on!!?? Who is she?? Why is chief being so secretive about her??

Felix was pacing when Amelthia walked to her.

Amelthia: "What is it??"

Felix snapped out of his thoughts.

Felix: " ready chief is coming to meet you. He said its important."

Amelthia: "Oh..Ok."

Felix examined Amelthia's expression keenly but she didn't show any reaction. It was like its a normal thing for her.

Felix has been in utter surprise since the day he talked with Ben.


Felix: "Yes Ben??"

Ben: "Sir are you sure that the girl Amelthia is from this city or world?? Because there is nothing about her in any records."

Felix: "What??"

Ben: " Yes sir there not even a single information."

Felix: "Have you checked properly??"

Ben: " Sir I have checked police records, all the middle schools and high schools data, but there's nothing in the city records. Not even her driving license."

Felix: "How is it possible??"

Ben: "I was also shocked Sir."

Felix: "Is it really the truth??"

Ben: "Yes sir."

Felix: "This is totally unbelievable!"

Ben: "Sir I will keep in checking again if i find anything i will tell you right away."

Felix: "Okay. Thanks. Bye."

Ben: " Bye sir!"

>>>>>>>FLASHBACK END<<<<<<