The Barn

‘I guess we are on our own for a while. You know what I am capable of right? I will protect believe in me right?’ Felix asked in a bit hushed tone feeling quite bad because of Amelthia being upset.

‘I know, I might feel a little better if I knew I could protect myself. Even though I know I can, I mean I have a lot of ex—’ Amelthia stopped her rambling realizing what she was just about to reveal. She looked up at Felix’s confused expression.

*SHIT, stupid Amel stupid. Say something elsleeee*

‘I thought it won't happen today at least!’ Amelthia said with eyes wide and a tone a bit angry and harsh.

‘ Ame-' Felix tried to speak but got interrupted again.

‘You guys promised me that I’d be safe here! And Still, here I am being a target of the gun!’ Amelthia said in a frustrated tone. Amelthi felt tears prickling her eyes, brought on by a mix of fear, anger, and frustration.