Chapter 1

Elpida, Agapi and Apodochi, dancing across the Safi River, is a great indication that it is indeed a hopeful day. The river’s thundering hums made it sound creepy yet interesting. The puffins’ sweet melodious voice blended perfectly with the singing Safi River.

With their feathers sharing a blast of hues scattered on the rainbow soil, Tharros and Dianoia exemplifies how peace can make an individual appreciate life at its best. And even in the powerful wrestle between Epimoni and Dynami, the heavens will surely smile with joy to these wonderful puffins. Yes, life to them means flying round Mount Otago, soaring and embracing the air of optimism.

Settling in the mountain is the best way to forget all the struggles reigning Sklavois. This is the lost paradise that people are looking for. Who would have thought of pain and death if they are surrounded with crystal waters and colorful soil? None. In here, one can say that life is consistently wonderful.

“Apodochi, did you see those blossoming pink flowers of the trees near Mergalio?”, asked Elpida.

“Yes! Of course. They’re beautiful!”, exclaimed Apodochi.

“I promise I’ll take care of those flowers. I’ll sing for them and shower them with these crystal water even if I’ll ran out of breath! I love them.”, uttered Agapi as she was gliding in the water.

These puffins surely know how to see everything in a rosy lens. If only SklavoiS can experience such joy. It would have been great.

“I wonder if I could make another color if I would mix the hues in our feathers? What do you think, Tharros?”, asked Dianoia while rolling on the rainbow soil happily.

“Oh, I’m really not sure about that. Red. Red is the only color that makes me feel everything.”, answered Tharros.

Are all these puffins sweet and gentle? No, they’re not. On the other side of the lake, Epimoni and Dynami overpowers one another as they strengthen their wings and sharpen their beaks with raw hunger for battle.

“Is that all you’ve got, Epimoni?”, taunt Dynami as he bites his friend’s wing.

Epimoni yelped in pain as he grappled Dynami’s leg and pushed him to the nearby stone.

“That hurt! You may be strong but I’ll never let you beat me just like that!”, shouted Epimoni.

The two puffins continued to pull and push each other until they felt a splash of cold water on their faces.

“Loosen up! Let us just enjoy the water instead of you fighting with each other”, said Agapi.

In one splash, all of them started squishing water and laughter with one another. That momentary bliss made them forget about the time and everything in life. Happiness, that time, was within their reach.

“Nooooooooo! No! Enough! Stop it!”

With that loud scream, the puffins stopped with all the fun that they are having. They looked at each other and rapidly flew to the top of the mountain. As they get closer to the top, they can hear louder sobs and horrifying lamentations.

“I-I don’t want to see this anymore. Enough! Please, stop this… Stop.”

That voice took away all the happiness of the puffins in an instant. They suddenly want to give up their joy just to change everything.

There he is, a sturdy tree, screaming on top of his lungs. The puffins saw Mergalio crying blood tears while trying to move his arms and legs and failed to do so. Like a father doing everything for his child, Mergalio desperately exhausted himself just to get out of his miserable state.

“Warrior, what happened? Why are you grieving again?”, asked Apodochi. “You can share your pain with us.”, consoled Agapi.

Mergalio stopped struggling and let tears and sobs come out of his trunk. It took a while before he was able to control his emotions.

“It’s Sklavois. I saw their suffering. I saw everything. We, I-“, Mergalio couldn’t finish his sentences.

Every time he tried to utter a word, he breaks down and runs out of strength.

“The puffins patiently waited for Mergalio to tell them what to do. It almost felt like he wouldn’t speak again but just as they were about to lose hope, he started talking again.

“Death. Sklavois. We need to stop them. The enemies are beheading them, hanging them, and burning them alive! It is too much. They are suffering so much. I need to be there. They need me.”, Mergalio shouted.

The puffins bowed down their heads and tried to avoid Mergalio’s heartbreaking state. They could feel the overwhelming pain that Mergalio is experiencing that time but what could a mere puffin do with this painful moment?

“I prayed to Him so many times but He doesn’t answer. He doesn’t answer”, cried the warrior.

Elpida, Tharros, Agapi, and Apodochi wept with him. They wanted to assure him that the Divine Power never goes deaf to the cries of a suffering person. Yet the puffins knew that Mergalio is already in his extreme state of doubt with the Divine Power’s existence.

“He listens. You can call to Him again.”, Epimoni urged Mergalio.

“Divine Power, I don’t know if You are listening to me but I’m begging You. Give me another chance to redeem Sklavois. Transform me. Turn me into a warrior angel again. That is only the way for me to help Your people. Master, I’m begging You!”, pleaded Mergalio.

As he continuously calls out to the only hope that binds his remaining will power, the other puffins cannot help but mourn with him. Mergalio’s blood tears and loud cries weren’t enough for the Divine Power to grant his request for himself and for the people of Sklavois. The Divine Power remained silent.

The puffins knew that Mergalio will not instantly transform into a mighty warrior despite his attempts. It wasn’t enough for the Divine Power to give him another chance to redeem the lost, the last, and the least in Sklavois. He failed in his mission and this is his punishment- to become a tree on top on Mount Otago forever.