Mergalio’s attention was caught by the shouts and cries of the people. He was horrified to see that Bashure was just a few meters away from the people. Mergalio quickly used his wings to fly to the mountain top and create a huge shield to protect all the people. He struck his sword on the land and raised both of his arms to seek the grace of the Divine Master for protection against the enemy. Angel Gybro also came and stayed behind the people to strengthen the shield that Mergalio is creating.
Bashure released toxic liquids composed of sewage and waste from the factories, wave after wave. As Bashure spits toxins, it also raises its arms to throw a handful of garbage to bury the people alive. Mergalio, despite his overwhelming strength and will-power, is slowly losing his power to protect the people.
“Why are you protecting this useless people? They don’t even take care of the city. They are the ones who created me with all the darkness in their hearts. Don’t waste your time! Let them be buried alive under their own wastes.”, Bashure taunted Mergalio as it continued to attack the people.
The puffins ignored the rats and cockroaches. They looked at each other and flew high above the clouds.
The puffins shouted “Allagi Morfis!”, which means change form. A blinding light appeared as the puffins fused with each other.
“Aetos!” shouted the huge eagle creature flying quickly towards Bashure which is greatly attacking Mergalio and the people.
Aetos, a large eagle with powerful beak and claws dragged Bashure away from the mountain top. It consistently pricked the eyes and tears the body of the dirty monster to lessen its power. The moment Bashure was already far enough from the people and is already settled on the shore where it is less powerful, Aetos shouted “Allagi Morfis”. As a strong light covered the eagle, another creature came out- a horrifying lion.
“Liontari, devour!” shouted the creature.
From being a huge monster, Bashure is rapidly decreasing its size as Liontari breaks its body, piece by piece. With its remaining power, Bashure summoned all its pests to attack Mergalio and the SklavoiS on the mountain top. The evil monster gathered its allies to attack while it gathers trash from the depth of the polluted river and the nearby dumpsites. Yet, before Bashure can totally regain its power and form, Liontari shouted “Allagi Morfis” for the third time and dragged Bashure to the river. Thousands of pests attacked Mergalio and the people. All the SklavoiS were shaking with fear for they know that they will already die on that moment.
“Master, strengthen me!”, called Mergalio.
Odigos saw the weakening warrior in front of them so he urged all his companions to utter a prayer of strength for Mergalio. Both believers and non-believers gave words of encouragement until Mergalio felt that his strength is slowly coming back. He also saw the Divine Master’s gift of power from the strike of lightning that hit his heart.
The powerful lion rapidly changed into a dangerous shark and dragged Bashure to the depths of the far away ocean. Karcharias gnawed the remaining body of Bashure until it is just as big as an infant’s foot. Angel Gybro uttered a cleansing prayer for the wastes that was used by Bashure so that such will not be used in evil ways again.
Mergalio gathered all his strength and pulled out his sword to raise it above the Divine Master.
“Master, bless this sword with your unfathomable power that I may defeat all of the enemies surrounding us.”
With all the power that he has, Mergalio went out of the shield that he created. He used his wings to fly above the mountain top and strike all the pests surrounding the SklavoiS. He did this for numerous times until the last little monster died.
The city cleared once again. The foul odor vanished. The river is clearer than how it used to be. The people shouted with joy. Bashure’s extinction paved way for a great change in Sklavois. The people became more responsible with the natural resources and more accountable of their current situation. Being with Mergalio stirred up hope in their lives.
The corrupt lawmakers and Judge Draggen also encountered a tougher breed of SklavoiS. Unlike before, these people know how to stand up for their rights and ignore negativities from the enemy. The goodness in one of them began to show and develop into something great and useful in their lives and the entire city. Slowly, darkness began to lose its hold to the people and this is bad news for the enemies. The corrupt lawmakers, Judge Draggen, and the evil invaders immediately reported this dangerous change to the Giant King and Queen.
While the enemies were panicking, the defenders were using their time wisely by training themselves in preparation for battle. Mergalio was busy practicing the different swings of his sword and creating new attacks that his enemies did not see yet. The puffins were having their sparring sessions with one another when Tharros remembered an important matter.
“Mergalio, when we were in the depths of the ocean where we defeated Bashure, we felt a strong power on that area.”, said Tharros.
“What kind of power? Did it threaten you?”, asked Mergalio.
“I can’t figure out but we didn’t feel its negative effect. If it’s an evil one, that creature could’ve helped Bashure.”, answered Agapi.
“That was a very strong energy, Mergalio. It’s ten times our combined strength.”, stated Epimoni.
“Can you bring me to that part of the ocean where you encountered such power? I need to see it myself.”, Mergalio said.
The eight of them walked towards the edge of the river and chatted a little before starting their mission.
“Can you hold your breath for a long time, Mergalio?”, asked Epimoni.
“Don’t worry about me. I have strong lungs and limbs to survive the depths of the ocean.”, Mergalio confidently answered while stretching his arms.
“Okay, then. Allagi Morfis!”, shouted Tharros.
“Allagi Morfis!”
The puffins fused in the blinding light and transformed to Karcharias that is ready to search the depths of the ocean.
“Mergalio, hold on to my fin.”, said Karcharias in its grumpy voice.
The warrior took a deep breath and prepared himself for a long and challenging journey down under. It was cold and dark. Mergalio thought that he lost months of his existence with such long journey. It was an endless swim but they stopped when they were surrounded with a very strong energy.
“Mergalio, we are here. We can’t see anything but I know that you also feel the power that we are talking about.”, Karcharias said.
Mergalio didn’t respond for he was concentrating so hard. The depths of the ocean may not be at his advantage but he can still use his power to see from beyond the limits of his physical strength. Unlike his other powers and skills, his vision is not that strong. He cannot use it all the time. In fact, this will be his first time to use it again after leaving Paradiso. It took him quite some time before he was able to see images in his vision.
A woman.
A secret portal.
On his left side.
Mergalio gripped the fin of Karcharias with his right hand as he uses his left hand to reach for something. There will be moments when his vision would crash down. This creature is indeed a powerful one. It can pass through his powers. However, Mergalio’s determination is stronger than its power for he was able to locate the invisible passage.