The rays too bright sipped into my closed eyelid, bringing me to sit upright and resume looking around. I then turned my focus to the cracks on the wall where the ray was coming in from. Half the rogue had given up on snarling and growling already, they all kept still staring at one another insanely.
I picked up different scent from earlier in the wood. Since that night, I hadn't even gotten myself time to think about anything that transpired that night.
“Mason”. I said but it came out like a deep growl.
My eyes went back to my hands and I could see they were still covered in furs.
“How long have I been in this form”. I asked no one in particular.
“A week and 3 days”. Replied my wolf from wherever he was talking from.
“So good of you to talk to me after all these while”. I said to him not liking the fact that he had shut me out before.