Humans weren't born knowing magic. In fact, for generations only the Fae held the knowledge of how to use it. But when the refugees fleeing from the tyrant king of Enasdurg landed on the Fae's lands, the elves passed down their wisdom.
Years of studying magic and creating new spells brought about the creation of a new profession: wizardry.
At first, wizards only used their magic for good: protection, healing, and nourishment.
It wasn't long, however, until a king decided to use magic to create a divide.
Roderick, the third king of Vasilvael, the kingdom the refugees built, hated the fact that nothing seperated him and the common folk besides his title. So he commanded a wizard to change the color of everyone's blood, to show he was clearly superior.
It took the wizard months to create the spell, but one day he proudly came to the king to show his results.
The royal family would now have blue blood, to demonstrate their nobility. Wizards would have purple blood, as a symbol of their power. The Fae's would bleed green, to demonstrate their elegance. The common folk kept red, a reminder of their simplicity.
As a result of the change, the royal family began a tradition called the Trial of Blood, where the heir would cut their palm and show their blood to the people, proving their worth to rule.
It didn't take the people long to try to exploit this. Wizards were paid left and right to change the blood of common children, giving them an opportunity to claim the throne.
Furious, the king commanded anyone found with blue blood outside the palace to be executed for treason, and all the wizards were rounded up and enslaved.
The purple which had once been the pride of the wizards now became their downfall, and as the years passed their treatment worsened.
Slowly, the beaten down wizards found their strength, and they began forming a rebellion, promising they wouldn't rest until their struggle ended.
And when Prince Selwyn took the throne, he swore he'd do whatever it took to restore peace to Vasilvael.