Chapter - 8

Vlad Evans.

The next day I woke up and called the tattoo person to complete the rest of the tattoo which was incomplete as I wanted some physical pain to reduce the inner pain. I'm obsessed with tattoos I love inking myself but this time I'm doing to feel the pain.

"Good morning sir" the person spoke.

I just nodded I took out my shirt and sat on the chair and that person did his work.

Once it was done I saw it in the mirror I was shocked as most of my body was covered with tattoos yet I could not get rid of the pain inside, that pain what I feel every time I thing of Snow how can I know more about her how can I reduce her pain before I fixed the appointment with the tattooist I had got a call from Rex he said they are still looking out for the leads to know more about Snow.

I lead to the wall and thought of her again. Now every time I closed my eyes all I could see is her face.

After some time, I got a call from my PA and I had rush to the office. She told me I had a very important meeting


I woke up and the first thing that came to my mind was breakfast for the 4. Once I got up from bed I quickly got freshen up and rushed to the kitchen. But when I reached there, I realized that they no long live here and they were adopted. I was a little disappointed but was happy for them.

I made some coffee and went to Jenny's room.

"Good morning" I said while entering the room.

"Morning Snow" she said.

"So, when will the classes start from” she asked referring to my university classes.

"Next week" I replied.

"About the job hunting you told me yesterday." she said.

"Yes, I need to do that today. As my university timings and the bookstore timing won't match, they asked me to leave and concentrate on the studies but now the we don't have any kids I don't think any trust would provide us Money." I said her.

That's when she called someone.

"Hello, my dear" Jenny spoke over the phone.

"About the job I told you" that's when I realized that she had spoken so someone about the job.

"Oh, Meghan that would be very helpful I'll ask Snow to be there" she ended the call.

"You have an appointment in their son's company the driver will be here in 15 minutes" she said to me.

"Jenny that was not required I would have applied somewhere why them I don't want to cause them trouble" I said her completely disagreeing.

"Okay then fine I'll work there myself" she said.

"Jenny no you can't work" I said.

"Like you said no trust will fund us now as there are no kids here and we have a lot of expenses to take care of. So there has to be someone that needs to work so why not me." She said getting up from her place. I stopped her and spoke.

"I'll go please you take rest"

"Then go fast and make sure you wear a nice dress it's Vlad who will be interviewing you." She said and I left.

I wore a marron frock which was gifted by Jenny I have worn it many times, yet it looks new. I pulled my hair in a pony and wore flats and went down.

Jenny saw me and said. " not this again. Go change into some other dress and wear heels"

That's when a person came inside and told he was sent to pick me up.

I thanked him mentally as I was rescued from changing and doing makeup.

"I should leave now we can't make them wait it will be rude" I said her.

"Yes, it will be" she said.

I took a file and went out with the driver he opened the door for me I thanked him. The car was very comfortable it was black in color and I did not know the brand as I could not see the symbol.

The driver stopped Infront of a tall building which seemed never ending and near to the entrance it was written in huge letters Evans Enterprise.

"Follow me mam" the driver said.

"Sure, and please call me Snow" I said him and walked to some elevator which had no one like the other one I presumed it was a private one. I have never used a lift as I never went to these kinds of places before. The lift ride was weird I thought I was flying and the next moment I saw the doors open.

"This way mam" he is not going to stop calling me mam any time soon I thought. Then he led me to some big office where I saw Mrs. Evans smiling at me, I smiled back to her.

"Hello dear" she said hugging me.

"Hi Mrs. Evans" I said.

"How many times to tell you call me Meghan." She complained again.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"Vlad will be here in some time I hope Jenny must have said you already that he would interview you. Don't worry I'll be around as well" she assured me and took me inside the office it was huge and had big glass Windows.

She gestured me to sit on the sofa placed in the middle. I sat and after a few minutes the door was roughly opened, and I heard a few footsteps.

It was Mr. Evans who walked to her Mom and said who was he supposed to interview her mom pointed at me and he looked at me in fact he stared at me making me uncomfortable.

How I'm I suppose to work here.


I left home and drove to the office myself.

Once I reached the lobby my phone started ringing and it was mom.

"I'm in your office and I want you to interview someone" she said.

"And that's why you made them call me asking me to come here soon" I said.

"Yes" was her reply.

"Who I'm I supposed to interview" I asked her to get into the privet elevator.

Before she could say the line went weak and the call ended.

I walked to the office pushed the door roughly and went straight to mom and asked.

"Whom I'm I suppose to interview?" She pointed to the couch.

And that's when my heart skipped several beats. There she was Infront of me again she looked stunning in her dress. She is going to work here that only feeling made me excited.

I wanted to tell that she was appointed immediately and her job was to just sit in front of me for....just forever.

But I skipped that plan as I wanted to interview her know her more talk with her and this would be our first conversation ever.


Thanks for reading.