Chapter - 10

She stood there froze and once she understood what was going on, she panicked and moved here and there.

I caught her wrist and made her stand in one place she was too shocked to react.

"Just stay" I said her.

"Why don't you answer any of my questions?" I asked her.

No answer.

"Why don't you talk to me?"

No answer.

That made me irritated and I pulled her towards me roughly and held her close to me.

She was a tall girl and our nose touched each other's when I held her close to me.

"Talk" I said breathing heavily.

"Mr. Evans leave me" she struggled those words out.

"It’s Vlad for you" I said.

"L-l-e-ave me" she stammered.

I did not notice when, but my hand went to her hair and pulled them out from the bun, and it fell on her shoulders instantly and a few strands were on her face which flew up every time she breathed.

I smelled the hair near her shoulder. It had a fragrance that had blown up my mind.

"I love your smell" I said.

I rubbed my noise on her temples.

"Say something Snow" I said breathing heavily.

That's when she started struggling to free herself.

"Don't" I said.

She continued doing it.

"Don't Snow" I said.

She continued and I pushed her to the wall that was few steps away and pinned her to the wall blocking her way out from my hands.

"Why don't you listen to me? All I want is to talk to you... know you. understand with you"

I said kissing her cheeks softly.

"Just let me in Snow please let me know you let me take care you. Just let me stay". I said kissing her nose.

She stood still and shivered every time I touched her. She was contently looking around and looked down she was scared and yet she did not want me to know that. I just loved the way she is oh how can I deny the fact that I'm in love with her. Just being around her makes me feel so happy. so complete. I can't imagine how happy I will be when I have her in my life.

"You know what Snow I love being around you. I love being with you. I love looking at you and love the silence we share though you don't utter a word I just want to watch those lips and wait until they move giving me answers. I love these goosebumps you get every time I touch you I love that redness you get when I roughly hold your hand. I....." I was so close to kissing her, but I did not want to scare her and that's when I said it I told her those things I never believed in.

"I love you Snow I want you I need you. You have become my world in no time you have become the reason I want to live. I never knew I could ever tell this but yes Snow I'm in love with you and madly in love with you. I fell for the moment I saw you in the Charity function I started loving you right there it took a little while for me to know but here I'm saying you how much I love you I want you. You and me forever for each day just you and me." I took time to learn her reactions but in vain she was just breathing unevenly and that's all her face still had a blank look.

"Snow marry me" I could not believe my words, but I just said it.

"Yeah I want you to marry me" I said again.

"Say something Snow anything okay I know this is all too fast but take your time but not long and when you are ready just come to me and say yes that would be all" I said lightly kissing her lips. When I was drowned in her and I did not know how long but I stood there just looking at her and took my eyes off her only when I heard someone at the door. I went to open the door and gave Snow her time to settle down. I opened the door and saw Jenny.

"Oh Vlad....Did I disturb you guys" she said in low tone.

" no, I was just leaving" I said.

"That's okay just stay I'll be back in some time" she said and went to her room.

"Don't tell anything to Jenny please" Snow said.

"What?" I asked her.

"Don't tell her what happen here please" she pleaded I did not know why she did not want me to tell Jenny, but I had got a reason to make her do something for me.

"I won't tell her on one condition" I said her.

She hesitated for some time and then said.


"Call me Vlad from here on" I said, and she looked at me in shock like she was expecting me to ask something else.

"Okay" she said after thinking for a while.

"Deal" in asked and she nodded in a yes.

"Oh, so what made you come here? " Jenny asked.

"Oh, nothing I just came to pay you a visit I think I'll leave now" I said.

"Oh, stay for dinner" Jenny said.

"I better leave I have some work to handle I'll stay for dinner next time I come" I said.

"Okay then I won't stop you" she said.

Just when I was about to leave Jenny spoke "Snow go walk Vlad out at least"

She looked at Jenny and I knew she was not interested after the encounter we had. But Jenny forced her. She came with me and made sure she walked behind me.

"I'll see you in office tomorrow Snow" I said when I got near my car.

"Okay Mr. Evans" she said.

"I guess I better talk to Jenny about the previous thing." I said.

"No no. Okay okay Vlad okay" she said.

"Say again" I asked her.

"Okay" she said making me smile.

I walked and stood Infront of her and said. " Say my name".

"Vlad" she said, and it sounded simply awesome.

"I love you so much" I said while leaning down and kissing her cheeks.

And she ran inside. I sat in my car and drove home with a smile plastered on my face.


Thank you for reading...