Thirty minutes of searching the remaining four rooms, and a trap door on the ceiling of third floor they couldn't access, they decided to walk back downstairs.
"Oh that's where you guys were", someone called out.
Sasha looked up, and found the three most ostentatiously dressed people of their group standing in the middle of the living room and dining room. "Oh you guys are a sight for sore eyes", he paused and "Please tell me you bought water?" he asked pleadingly.
"We did", Red answered, "Why?" she asked suddenly.
"There's no water in the house. We checked", he added hurriedly when it seemed they were all gearing up for a protest and or to ask questions, "There is literally no water at all. We think maybe there's a need for a spell card. But for the spell-cards for water to be activated—"
"You need something liquid", Ray answered suddenly.
"You know about water spell-cards?" Zee asked.