Chapter 13(Adventure)

••Aunty Laurel!!! This story you shared why wasn't mother aware of it ? She could have by all cost avoid traveling down to china you know.

I know. But your grandma was making sure she doesn't get stuck in mysteries she wasn't part of. Come to think of it if your mother knew she was enchanted to never travel to china won't she have seen her own mother as a witch?

Yea,that's true... I believe it was for the best...

(Francis cuts in...)

To be honest, I feel great going on such adventure with you Cathy and I do hope we get your mom and dad out of there alive,Francis remarked.

**Here is your passports and your boarding pass,I have given you the necessary information to how you had get back your parents...I do wish you safe travels and one great adventure...she giggled.**

▪️Perry..come here and give your aunty a hug!!! I'm so going to miss you.

"What you say your names are once again ? Referring to Francis and Percy."

Oh!!! Sorry ma'am...I'm Francis and here is my friend Percy.

I trust you guys judgement and I believe you will look after this two bring them back home safely . I leave you in the hands of God

I love you all....bye.

•••Aunty Laurel entered her mini bus van and drove off. The girls looked more terrified and sentimental.

Quickly Francis and Percy took them by the hands as they walked away to the plane carriage.

Wow!!! this is amazing. I have never flown a first class,here is more than welcome...Francis who somewhat excited kept them all busy with jokes as the plane took off and they headed for china.

**Thank you,Percy said as he was handed a glass of wine. Let me know if you will need anything,the flight attendant answered with a smile.

(Finally they arrived at China airport)...

~After checking out at the airport. They got a cab and went to their destination.

Thank you!!! They all said as they alighted from the cab.

"Is this your grandma's house?

It should be,this is as aunty Laurel described..Cathy answered.

(...Knock..knock..knock...) Opens door...

"Haaa...welcome my children,I am so pleased to see you. Come on in."

I have made ready rooms to sleep in and I will make lunch in a bit...I hope your journey wasn't strenuous,She asked.

No, Grandma!!! It's such a pleasure to see you. We have only being seeing you via mother's phone and your picture hung in the house hallway.

Grandma Chuckling said...Now we are seeing.

~Hello boy's...thank you for coming~

•A quick one•

They all quickly took a nap after shower and woke up at 8:15pm.

(Plates clattering)...

It's such a tasty food,couldn't get enough of the sushi. Percy said.

Have never had a taste of this but here today I did,thank you ma'am. Francis said as well.

Okay,I will be right back so we can get to the bottom of the reason you are here.

*Walks away with the plates to the kitchen*

(Gather around here and let me tell you the little secrets you do not know)

Grandmother began the narrations as aunty Laurel did earlier but something was different as to that which their aunty said. Grandmother said...

I have to tell you this...I did something fishy on your friends. I summoned their spirits to follow you down here because this journey can't be faced by just you two.

Wait,what!!! I'm not getting this...Francis exclaimed mean you called their spirits ? Cathy asked looking shocked.

Yes,I did...she said glumly. It wasn't for harm though, it's just so they could give you a helping hand while on the search for your parents. I saw you all while you were at the states,I do have a magical pot that helps me see the outside world from here. It was with it I gave the two of you a taste of horror so you could know what happened to your parents and have the mindset to come look for them.

And that's what I'm using to empower you all.

Francis stood up and grabbed Percy by the hand...I see this as bullshit.

I could she do that?

Hey!!! Give the old woman some respect and even if not for anything look at the lives at stake, Percy retorted. So sit down!!!

I'm sorry, but she meant no harm it was just for the sake of our parents....Perry said with a sullen voice.

Don't take it as an offense..I can't afford to lose my daughter. So in preparation for your journey I have made some portions to help you grow stronger,faster and smarter in your journey.


This forest you will encounter is filled with dangerous and deadly animals. Everything happening to your parents is in the supernatural so a portal into the supernatural would be open for you...

There are armours and weapons made ready as well.

Interesting...Cathy said with a smile.

I guess this is a real adventure, but grandma will all this magical portions and the supernatural portals not have real life effects on us ? Curious Perry asked.

Well,there is no side effects but I pray you all form a team so you can stay alive because if you die in that journey then you are not coming back to the real world.

Ughh!!! So we can die for real ? Francis asked now frightened.

Yes. That's why I made portions that will keep you alive and sustain you,I will be your eyes and whenever you need help I will tell you the words to speak and you had hear me speak to you clearly.

You will be heading there in the morning,so go and prepare your minds.

Well said Ma,I guess we need to go rest so as to make up for the journey

Goodnight my child...

Catherine,let me see you for a minute.

I want you to be strong and look after your sister and make sure your friends are alive.

Ma!!! Why say this to me ?

That is because you will be their must be vigilant and brave,that boy Percy has the idea of what you are going to face so do not hesitate to listen to him.

Okay Granny, we will see in the morning.

Goodnight my beautiful Kira...

Catherine looked back puzzled but remembered granny always calls her her mother's name whenever they spoke.

Goodnight Grandma.