Chapter Eight

Hangar Bay, Iron Maiden

Pilots scrambled out to their crafts as ships zipped along the flyways towards the opening and closing gates, wind plowing over the runners as they raced to their crafts. Akifa and Wren passed by the gate as they got their jumpsuits, Wren's deeper blue with bright frost blue to highlight his suit as he followed Akifa to his craft.

(What's your ship called?)

"She's called Aaru, it's the version of Heaven in our old world religion in my home-system. C'mon, it's got enough room for both of us, if you fold up well," he added, opening the cockpit as he slid into the pilot seat. Wren crawled in carefully, squeaking as the craft started moving towards the flyway, shutting and sealing the cockpit window.

"Hang on, Wren!" The Icer huffed, crumpled in a heap as he tried to shift into a perched, seating position, gasping as they passed through the bay doors, flying out into the darkness of space. Akifa put on his helmet, sighing as he finally got his breathing under control before attaching a breathing mask to Wren.

"Sorry, we should've taken more time to get you acclimated but it's a firefight, hang on!" He grabbed the controls as beams of light flashed across their windows, Akifa barrel-rolling across to find a couple more drones as he fired. His beams were gold with streaks of bright green as Wren watched the controls, trying to see how Akifa moved and piloted the craft, small switches and buttons on the sides of the joysticks.

(What's attacking us?) Wren asked, looking up at Akifa as he tilted his head, seeing Akifa covered in black and gold, his helmet giving a demon wolf's head look.

"I'm not entirely positive... these drones are used by the military of the Earth alliance, bunch of government controlled planets with "Earth standard" military, religion, and enough infrastructure that makes them qualified to be a part of the Alliance. I don't know a lot about them, but they like to keep popping up and trying to destroy us in the process.

"Cleaning out the garbage" as they so eloquently put it," he grumbled, banking hard to avoid fires as Wren watched outside the windows, trying to look at the drones and fighter pods whizzing by.

(Their flight patterns are... erratic, they don't have formations, or any real pattern for fighting. It's almost like it's just a fighting exercise...) Wren furrowed his brow as he watched the fight slowly subside, Akifa firing at the last one.

"Well, if it is, these have been going on for years... Honestly, we haven't lost casualties in almost a few decades, so I'm not that worried about it. I personally feel no love for these guys," he added, taking off his helmet as he sighed, leaning back in the chair.

(Well, we won, right?) Wren chirped, glancing up at Akifa as the pilot yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, I mean... it's all we do. Outside of missions, this is the only other time we use our crafts. Hey... wanna drive?" Akifa asked, smiling wide as Wren flushed brightly..

(You can't be serious! I can't drive your craft, I'll destroy it!)

"C'mon, it's easy, like flying a hovercar. C'mon, hop up." Akifa slid out of his chair, patting it as Wren slid into the chair, his tail coiled around as he took the controls. He sighed softly, slowly moved the craft forward with the joystick, but as it slowly rolled down.

"Okay, okay, hang on. That's essentially the direction you're moving the craft. The joystick in your left hand is the thruster, it's what makes it go forward. You have to move both in order to drive, so slowly push the other stick," Akifa advised, gently moving Wren's hand as the Icer gulped hard. The craft slowly pushing forward as Wren moved the right stick to help line it up with the Maiden.

(I... I think I've got this...? Is it okay if I stay slow?) Wren asked, glancing sideways at Akifa who smiled, sitting on the floor.

"Go for it, you don't have to rush at all." Wren moved the craft, slowly pushing it towards the hangar bay as a small button lit up.

"That's the alarm just telling you fuel's getting a little low. Try speeding her up a bit." He sat back as Wren pushed it forward, speeding up as the hangar bay doors opened as he slowed the craft, seeing claws open up to hold the Aaru.


"Just guide it into the claws." Akifa took the control, guiding the craft into the claws as it grabbed the craft, moving it over to their space within the hangar.

"Got it! See? You're all good, and you just logged your first few minutes into Pilot Training 101. Congrats," Akifa added, petting Wren's braids as the Icer groaned, leaning back.

(I feel high a little.... Everything's shaking or tingling.) He whined, sighing softly as he took off the air mask. Akifa opened the cockpit as he offered a hand to Wren, pulling the Icer out to steady himself on the craft.

"So... lunch? I'll get you some dessert for a good job flying and parking."

(Sounds perfect... but can I use the potty?)