One Year Later, Set-at home-world
Wild Oasys Majoris, Sunset
It had been one year to the day, when Akifa had stumbled into a museum, crumbling and decaying in the cold embrace of space, and finding a cryo-chamber holding a beautiful creature. He never saw it coming, opening the chamber to find a beautiful alien that tried to communicate in secret, shy but wary, cautious, but deadly. His heart started melting at seeing how curious he was within the Aaru, watching the stars flying by them before getting onto the Iron Maiden. He fell more in love, seeing Wren open up more to his friends, the shops, discovering new things and new people, and telling him more about his life, his culture. Akifa still loved staying up late in the night, listening to Wren telling small stories of his "pod", apparently the world used for a gathering of Iscerians.