

"No. No no Xian ge, you are not getting my point. Tell me what happened exactly and then I will leave you right now and go back to South Korea but if you are not going to give me a real reason then how you think that I will leave you in the middle of the night like a sinful person go away."

When Song Jun finally recovered from the zeal of love, Tang Xian asked him to get up and get ready to catch a flight to go back to South Korea without any reason and he felt like the ground under him shifted.

He was still in the daze of getting one with his soulmate when Tang Xian announced that he brought the tickets for him to go back to his home.

"Judi, get up and get ready you are leaving for Korea in one hour."

Tang Xian said while getting up from the bed by covering himself in the comforter around his body and Song Jun felt the anxiety within his heart that provoked when Tang Xian's gaze scattered everywhere around the room but not met with his eyes.