

"Xian ge...Gege...stop for me...gege..."


His broken words reached the heart of the receiver but he wasn't in the state where he could take the decision harshly. He couldn't possibly just call his love who he pushed away harshly just a few days ago.

Tang Xian felt the knife of destiny cutting his very soul into pieces every moment that was passing by but still he was helpless to the core, he couldn't go and get his love back in his life. At least for time being, he couldn't summon the courage.

"Did you see the same nightmare again, Xian Xian?"

His body shivered with the sound of his best friends voice but he managed to get hold of himself again.

"How long I was sleeping, Yan Yan?"

"Only for one hour, Xian Xian. Please rest for some more time. You need to be strong for all the storm that is coming to us."

When Lu Yanli's words hit him they hit him hard and he remembered why they were sitting in his office which was at his home.