


A big sound of a crash stopped the heartbeat of Tang Xian, the numb sensation was the only feeling he had when everything on the phone started to echoed only chaos.

"Hello...Aye...Aye...what happened...Aye...AYE...."

His heart-wrenching shout also didn't help aye to say anything, she just saw that phone lying near her and the two voices shouting her name out loud but she was helpless, her both hands got numb sensation just like her other body parts.

She saw a pool of red...everywhere but without feeling it, was it hers or Kiha's? She hadn't recognized. Everything just coloured into the red.

But there was something that pained inside her, that heart of a mother that wanted to just go once to her sons who needed her the most. How she could just let them be alone when they were surrounded by all dangers?

"You are not a good mother, Lee Carman. Your sons need you the most right now. How could you just leave them alone? How you are supposed to go now?"