The long lost sweet slumber that came after a long time, stirred up when his lover's whimpering sounds reached to his ears.
Tang Xian opened his eyes in an abrupt rush to peered up to see what was happening to his love and he saw Song Jun's body trembling with fear that was going on his nightmare.
"Judi...Judi, don't worry...See your Xian ge is here. Don't worry...I am here with you."
When his assurance touched the essence of Song Jun, his everything felt at ease but shivering continued as the nightmare still left its aftereffects on his mind.
Song Jun saw his Xian ge was pushing him away from him one more time.
"Judi...Judi...dont worry I am here...I am here. What happened? What did you see in your dream? See I am here with you. I am holding you into my embrace. Now let go of every fear. I will be here with you."
"But...But I saw you pushing me away from you. I saw you jumping from a big mountain cliff leaving me behind to live alone in this life. Why gege?"