

"Xian Xian, what is it? What are you hiding from me?"

"Yan Yan, I am not hiding but I just felt that Judi was emotionally troubled when we were speaking. He looked so hurt and broken again.

I don't know what happened there but there is some serious issue."

"Xian Xian, don't worry about it. I will just call Jiah. She will keep us up to date. She must be knowing everything."

"No Yan Yan, just don't worry. I think he is going to come to meet me and I want to check whether I am correct or not? When he comes, I will make sure to know everything about it from him."

"But Xian Xian, why do you think like that?"

"I don't know, he looked so worried for me. I feel so uneasy right now. He looked so worn out. I don't know what I should do? How to make him happy and fortunate.