
Battle to win what?

"Xian ge, you are wrong here. This XM studio doesn't belong solely to you even if you are the sole owner of it. Gege, without my sign or permission you can't run XM studio. It is written in those papers and it was your suggestion back then.

Xian ge, you want XM studio, well it is all yours with me."

Tang Xian turned back to see Song Jun standing near the closed door of Meng Chao's office and pang hit him hard when he realised the condition of his Judi.

The messed up soul that was half living and half died. Everything around him felt gloomy and choking but he needed to do what he came here.

"Song Jun, what you said just now? If I will be the sole owner of XM studio then why I will need to take your permission?"

"Because you asked me to do so. Don't you remember the condition you put in when I asked you to sign up? You asked me to do something that no matter what you will need my approval for everything that will happen here.