

"Lao Po, where are you? I have great news for you? Come out now." Tang Fengmian said while entering the drawing-room of the house where he kept looking at the kitchen where he knew she must be at this time.

He was expecting to hear the voice of his wife when the voice he missed so much for months reached his ears and his heart tugged inside.

"Baba, Can I come in?"

Tang Xian inquired while standing on the doorstep of the Tang mansion.

"Don't you dare to come inside? Who are you? We don't welcome strangers at home." As Tang Jianmin heard him, the fume flared up in his mind and he said while coming and standing in front of Tang Xian.

"Baba, please at least hear me out first." He requested but got denied harshly by his baba.

"No, I don't know you. Just leave otherwise I will call the security."

When he threatened Tang Xian, Tang Xian took a step back but stood at a place to make him know that he is going to stay.