

When Tang Xian came out of the bathroom, he saw Song Jun standing near the wall of the cabinet that was another walk-in wardrobe room specifically designed to put both of their clothes and everything that was required to get ready.

"I haven't selected a dress for you. Can you come inside and select something that you want to wear?" Song Jun asked him while opening the door of the wardrobe. "Your old clothes are there if you want to use them."

When Tang Xian heard him, he got shocked at the revelation. When yesterday he came to the house, he only went into the bedroom to put his suitcase inside the wardrobe but he never thought of checking what was there in the wardrobe in the hurry of making dinner for Song Jun.

He slowly entered the wardrobe and opened the long cabinet door on the right side and got shocked to see all his clothes were there the way he placed them before leaving for their marriage in Paris.