
Chapter 12


I FELT that sense of familiarity again as we came closer at the heart of Cristales.

When we first came to this world, I immediately felt that way. I just couldn’t figure out why. I was sure I did not come here all my life.

I'd never been in this place before. But this world seemed so close to me.

"If you find something unusual in this place, may it be a stone, a ruby, gem, or whatever, get it and show it to us."

I looked at Reya when she said that. What she said made sense.

We're just here for two things we've never seen before. Even those who gave us this mission never saw those things. Just the idea that those stones were here.

They just said those two things we're going to find were very precious and unique that they could easily catch our attention.

I thought. "What's with these stones that the council really wants to have them?"

Storm answered with his mind. He was really lazy to speak using his mouth.

'It is believed that these stones might hold the greatest powers to keep the order in our world.'

'Didn't they say which part of our Cristales it would be? Can we get ahold of them? '

I heard him chuckle. 'Of course, we can. How can we get it if we can't touch it? '


We arrived at the plaza of the place.

If the place we came from earlier was ruined, this one, it seemed, had not been visited by anyone. This is the heart of the city but it seemed that it was never been found.

"Weird. It must also be ruined by now."

I agree with what Erin said.

There's someone behind all these. Someone who could maintain the order of things in this place. Though it can't be called a good surrounding, in fact it was covered with wild flowers and grasses, but the fact that there’s no trace of war here. It's as if nobody had been in this place for a long time. It was just unrecognizable.

Even before we explored the whole place, the place changed and turned into a literal paradise.

Thoughts of my companions about how amazing the place was echoed in my mind.

Lots of mythical creatures were everything.

'What's happening, Storm?'

'Someone's manipulating the place.'

Even before I could tell, an old woman came out and stared at us.


We all looked at her.

"What are you doing in this world? Your world has long abandoned this world. Why are you here? Aren't you doing enough in our world?"

My companions frowned. Even I frowned because of what she said.

"What do you mean?" Panther asked.

The old woman laughed bitterly. "They didn't tell you, did they?" she looked sharply at us, "Those who are in charge of Crea were the reason why this once shining world was ruined! They ruined everything here because of two things that no one should be able to possess. Only death will bring anyone who touches those two stones. "

"What do you mean?" Reya asked seriously.

The old woman looked at it. "Many have tried to get the stones. But none of them succeeded because they could not take the power of the stones. The stones absorbed them and they never came out. The king of Crea sent troupes to get the stones. But they failed. Until other kingdoms of the different world heard about the stones. They tried, too. They fought with each other. Until the Cristales did nothing but defend their world because their lives were gradually being affected by the war. Hunger hit this place. Many died. But those creatures still did not stop. They were blinded by the power that stones can give. "

"That's why those stones must be destroyed." Derene's brief statement.

The old woman nodded. "After the former king of your world realized the outcome of what he had done, he decided to destroy the stones. But some members of the council opposed. They planned to kill the king and his family. And they succeeded. They used someone's ability to do it," he looked at Storm who was clenching his jaw.

"But you saidCrea had abandoned this world." Diego said confused.

The old woman nodded again. "They did. But they're just waiting for the perfect timing to get the stones. Crean leaders are greedy for power and authority.

So the council lied to us. They want to get those two stones in their hands. Those two hold immense power.

Questions came rushing in my mind. What happened to Storm? How come he killed the royal family? What triggered him to do so?

But what my mind was telling me right now was that Crea betrayed us.

I looked at Nero seriously. "Did your father bring us here to die?"

He was shocked by the coldness of my voice. And before we knew it, we were surrounded by soldiers we did not know where they came from.


OUT of my reflexes, I ran to where Derene was and made a barrier of my own as if protecting her.

"Who are you?" Sereya said coldly while looking at the soldiers.

The man who seemed to be leader smiled slyly. "Who are we? We should be the one asking you that" His gaze sharpened, "We are the protector on this place! How dare you barge in and break the seal we made?"

I frowned. Seal? We have never felt that way before. We easily got through.

Serenity came slightly closer to her. Although I could not see her face, I knew she was smiling because the color of the wild plants around us bloomed more and more.

"We are sorry for barging in. I'm sorry if I broke your barrier. I was just curious so I did it. I could see the unusual scenery inside. And it's urging me to go inside." He said gently.

The chief soldier was calm.

Serenity is really the goddess of kindness and peace. Everything's good in her.

The leader frowned. "Who are you and how did you open this place? Only those with the power of goodness can break the seal."

"I am the daughter of the god of goodness, that's why. And we are here to find and get the stones."

"But you don't have the ability to destroy the stones. I could only see pure goodness in you."

"What do you mean?" Lu asked incredulously.

"Only the gods with unusual abilities can break the stones."
