'Tonight's events'

As arranged, Emalie did my makeup at my place. When I notified her that I had never applied much makeup and the only cosmetics I was familiar with is lipstick and mascara. She said:

"Then there is more reason to do your full makeup. It's good to welcome changes once in a while. You should try a new look. And I'm going to turn you into a new Linnet."

Her words were valid, to welcome changes once in a while. I was prepared to take a chance and perceive how good I am at embracing changes. However, I had little to no idea about the progressions that would come along with tonight's events.

'As expected, her makeup skills are flawless' I thought as I gazed in stunningness at my appearance on the wall-mounted mirror.

The smokey eye makeup brought focus to my lucent eye colour and worked out in a good way for the silver dress I wore. My highlighted cheekbones brought out a more refined look and the wine red lipgloss worked as icing on the cake. The length of my wavy hair increased phenomenally after getting straightened and middle-parted to perfection.

"You look smokin' hot!" Emalie squealed.

"And you look absolutely stunning," I added.

She truly looked perfectly gorgeous in her burgundy off-shoulder dress and her signature winged eyeliner.

I put on silver high heels; one of the numerous expensive birthday presents I had received from Dad earlier that day. None of which I desired by the way.

For me, if only he could make time and visit me was enough. However, I was a fool to even expect that after knowing him for years. The only thing he couldn't spare me was his time.

"Sweet Heavens. Who in the world is this girl?" Mom awed at me as I sprinted downstairs with Emalie.

"All credit goes to this talented heck of a best friend I have," I chuckled pointing towards Emalie.

"Of course, it is all thanks to you, sweetheart, that Linnet looks stunning today. You're really good at this."

"Props to you for giving birth to such a beautiful and kind daughter," She added.

"I can't believe moms like her exist. Linnet is so damn lucky to have her." She thought while smiling.

'I'm indeed lucky,' I thought but I did not by any means want to make her feel bad. So I concluded; why not bring the two of them closer so Emalie can also feel accepted?

"Did I tell you mom, Emalie is literally a whole package. There's nothing this girl can't do. You'll get surprised to know what she is in school premises."

Thus we chatted for a while longer, idling on the couch waiting for Wiola to come pick us up. Emalie and Mom came to be close companions in such a brief while, it was amusing.

On receiving a text from Wiola, we rushed to the door and found her leaning against the door of her black Porsche convertible. She looked enchanting while wearing a full-sleeved black mesh dress.

She came gushing to hug me and heartily wish me a happy birthday.

"Homies ready to slay the party Huh?" She grinned.

"Without a doubt!" Emalie rejoiced as her dimples became noticeable with her smile.

"Then Get in!"

When we reached our destination which was Ryle and Kyle's place, Wiola parked the car and we entered into a grassy and spacious front yard decorated by LED lights. That yard was followed by a luxurious two-storey house.

There were people having fun, and enjoying themselves. The crowd was nothing unexpected as Ryle was friends with almost everyone. People turned to look at us when we strolled inside. Some faces were recognizable while some weren't.

'It will be alright, I just need to have Tyler within my sight. It won't be a problem then.' I convinced myself.

Today, I had the assurance to fight off anxiety. I got the backing of my friends who were truly my friends, who would fight for me, make me laugh and care for me.

"I'm damn sure that none of us invited Megan here. what the hell is she doing here?" Emalie thought, halting her steps as she gazed at Megan standing with her group at the left corner of the yard with a shrewd smile on her face.

"You guys go in, I'll catch up in a bit. I've got some unfinished business with Megan," She said.

"I won't let her jealous and delusional ass ruin anything here." Emalie thought as she fled towards Megan.

Wiola and I moved inside the house. In the main hall, the three of them waiting for us.

Ryle exclaimed, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINNA!" As he came hurrying towards me. He had begun calling me 'Linna' a week ago. "Whoa you look drop-dead gorgeous, Linna!"

"And what about her? Where is Emalie? How is she looking? I want to see her so bad!" Even if I was unable to hear his thoughts I would've known by the look in his eyes, he was madly infatuated with her. Which, to me, was adorable.

I thanked him for the compliments and whispered, "Emalie is on the left corner of the lawn with Megan." Along with a smile I said, "Good Luck"

He got befuddled, "Was I that obvious?" He asked nervously, "Does she know?"

"No, she doesn't know. You must tell her. Okay?" I mused.

"Thank God." He sighed. "As expected, nothing could be hidden from Linna. She is so quick-witted," he thought.

When Ryle left in a surge, Kyle came to me. He handed me a bouquet of beautiful lilies and orchids. "Happy birthday, Linnet! You do look odd today."

"He means it in a good way, you look exceptional," Wiola added immediately, nudging him with her elbow which made me giggle. I thanked them and accepted the bouquet.

From the corner of my eye, I could notice a pair of walnut brown eyes gazing at me in amazement.

Kyle left with Wiola, his hand wrapped around her waist, discussing about the arrangements. They were a perfect match.

Music seeped through windows and entryways, cloudy jabbers, everyone with everyone, relishing without limit, yet I was left with this guy. Who made me incapable to think or proceed on my own.

The interest of the multitude of girls close by was fixated on him while his observant gaze skimmed me. The extra reason I couldn't take my eyes off of him. To deter the thoughts of these girls which were probably knives and blades targeted towards me.

As Tyler strode towards me, I couldn't help but notice how ravishing this black silk suit shirt looked on him, the lustrous and delicate texture did total justice with his toned muscular upper body. What's more, his jet-black hair complimented his full black attire and his eyes resembled the liquor in his hand.

"What's with this new makeover?" He asked, gazing at me from head to toe.

"Emalie insisted... and I wanted to try it," I answered.

"Well, it-" He took a brief pause while he rubbed the back of his neck. "It looks good on you." His ears turned red as he let out those words. "Happy eighteenth birthday, Linnet," he said, smiled nervously and left.

It was the first time I caught him reacting like this. And truth to be told I was astounded yet pleased.




Frankly, I was distraught and aggravated when I discovered Megan on the lawn, chortling with Samantha and Leila; her main bitches.

"Exactly! If Tyler dates someone it will be you. Did you look at her? There's no way she can even compare to you, " I heard Samantha saying.

"She's right! Don't you worry we'll put that hussy in her place today—" Leila stopped bitching when she saw me dashing towards them with my usual fake smile.

I always dealt with fake bitches in their language, by being fake. Though, I knew they were all lowkey afraid of me. They still played friends so I played along.

"Hey, Em darling! Come join us!" Megan squeaked in her strangled voice.

"Sure, but can I know who invited you?" I flung a glare at her after smiling.

"Oh, c'mon, why would I need an invite? I'm where my friends are! And today is Linnet sweetie's day. Where is she?"

"Hah! Like seriously?" I scoffed in disbelief. "Leila, Samantha! Who were you bitching about just a second ago?" I flashed a glare at them both. They stood there unnerved peeking between me and Megan while she swallowed hard.

I wasn't buying it at all, there's a limit to how fake a person can be. It was taking my every nerve to not just crush their skulls and ribs at once. "Tell me, now!" I boomed.

Leila poked Samantha, and she uttered, "Linnet. B-but we weren't bitching we just—"

"Enough." I interrupted her. "Now, now, Megan. Stop your drama and leave her the fuck alone."

"Emalie! No, darling! You're getting me wrong. I was—" I couldn't take her acting and playing dumb anymore so I stepped on her foot with my heel, her lies got interrupted by her own scream.

"Stop now, would you?" I said as I removed my foot and she scowled up at me with her hands on her knees.

"Stop bullying her!" Leila shrieked. I stepped towards her with my cold gaze on her as she took a few backwards. "Would you like me to crush your toes as well?" I smirked and stopped there.

"Let's see how long you can manipulate her into being your friend. With that temper of yours, no one can tolerate you, bitch!" Megan dared to snap at me while hiding her trembling hands.

I tried to take a few breaths and calm myself but it didn't help.

'She hasn't seen my temper yet, should I show her?'

My hands formed into fists—ready to break her jaw— but as soon as they were about to hit her face, someone grabbed me by my waist and I got dumped on his shoulder as he kept striding.

I was fuming, and whoever this person was, he was so dead now. Attempting a backflip could possibly free me but breaking my favourite heels was a risk I couldn't take.

When he took me out of the lawn, I started to use my fists to hurt his back, in hopes that he'd lose his grip around the back of my thighs. I punched, but damn, his strong back stayed unharmed.

"Calm down, I'm not trying to abduct you. I don't want to die young." A recognisable voice stated. It was Ryle. I sighed. I didn't notice before but, he kinda smelled nice, like grapefruits and oceans.

'But wait, I was mad furious seconds ago, what happened to that?'

Ryle made me sit on the roof of his car, looked at me with one of his hands on his hips and the other ruffled his dark brown locks while he breathed and laughed.

'I hate to admit but, no way, I'm not thinking about him in that way but— HOLY SMOKES! He looks hot.'

It could be that I was so used to seeing him in hoodies, all cute and goofy. His royal blue suit shirt, and clear azure eyes did make him look striking.

"You were about to beat the crap out of her. Now I understand why Kyle said I should fear you." He climbed up the bonnet and sat beside me.

"Don't even remind me of that, you saved her today but that doesn't mean you'll not pay for that." I rolled my eyes.

"Whoa, you get mad so easily! Look up." He gazed up with his mouth hung open a little, and a childish smile. "Look at the stars and try to loosen yourself, just relax."

The inkiness of the sky was illuminated by a few stars that clung onto it.

"They're pretty." I normally wouldn't say that, it's not like I hadn't seen stars before, but these were different. These stars were pretty.

"If I say you're prettier, you'd punch me for being cheesy, right?"

"Try me."

He cackled mumbling 'I knew it' in inhumane noises.

At the point when he was done with his laugh, he said: "Don't pay attention to whatever she said about your temper."

"Where's the lie, though? She is right, I'm an intolerable bitch. And out of all people you must know that well."

"Yeah, I know your personality. Actually, I know you better than anyone. Your temper doesn't make you bad or intolerable, it's just a result of all the bullshit you've dealt with for so long." His eyes were losing the playfulness they carried until a cheeky smile lit up his face again, "And I wouldn't like my Emalie without a badass temper."

Goosebumps trotted up my arms when he used the word 'my' before my name. No one had ever said my name like this, with so much intimacy and fondness, not even my parents—they would just chop each other's head off one day.

"How do you know me so well, we've been friends from like a week ago?"

"I've watched you. No—no I'm not some crazy stalker of yours. But we were in the same middle school... if you remember." He hesitated.

The rememberings of middle school jammed my mind. When I used to be weak, one of the pushovers.

"I hate myself for being a coward at that time. To just watch you getting bullied and do nothing about it. That's why it took me years to come over to you." His bleak blue eyes looked sad, guilty and glossy.

He did really understand me better. My anger was just an aftermath of being bullied. I could no longer stand bullies and that's why I got furious often.

"Why would you hate yourself? It's not like you were the only one watching. And I've gotten over it all. I'm not the same Emalie anymore."

That was true. to be strong, to not be a doormat nerd, I had completely changed myself in the past few years. And it had been working quite well, I intimidated everyone now. The only drawback was, I never had any true friends. That was until Linnet and these guys came in my life.

"Uh... that's because..."

"You like me." I threw a guess casually catching him off-guard.

"Yeah, you're right I've liked you for years and you do have a right to turn me down as I—"

"Shut up!" I interrupted him as I glared at his flustered expression.

Out of everything, his response to my guess was the most unexpected thing ever for me. Who could like a despicable bitch like me? Maybe a crackhead could.

"How are you so sure I'm gonna turn you down? I might like you too." I softened my gaze.

"You're serious? Answer without a 'might'!" His eyes expanded, stunned by my answer.

In all honesty, I used to be low-key jealous of his likeable goofy personality that's why I just didn't like him at first for no particular reason.

Given that he was a Stephenson, loaded, good looks and also a lot of attention, it was indeed weird to think he'd be confessing to someone like me. The only time we even held hands was when I threw a punch and he caught it.

"Only if you tell me why do you like me out of all the girls you could easily have?"

"You're right, there are so many girls... so many people around me all the time. But the problem is, there isn't a single Emalie that I need. It wouldn't matter to me if everyone turned away from me one day but you, Emalie, if I'm unable to see you or your smile anymore, I think I'd simply lose my mind." Creases emerged on his forehead.

I could have said something instead of only looking at his handsome face and honest eyes. Nonetheless, I chose to be silent so I could hear him more. I wanted to listen to him without saying a word. To me, it was entirely unknown how simple words could hold such affection.

"Now you might think I'm just spouting nonsense but trust me, I've never been sincerer in my life before." His pinky finger touched mine. "It's you and no one else can be you. No one else can have a personality or temper like you. I just love you whole."

'Did he just say love?' No one had ever made me feel so adored for just being me. And Ryle, he always had a way to crush my walls, barge in, and make me melt.

"So tell me, Emalie, will you date me?" He asked with the cutest smile I had ever seen on his face.

"Yes!" I replied with a grin on my face, I couldn't help, his smile was indeed contagious.

"I love when you smile like this, please smile often, for me." He kissed my dimples and I... I just froze there with my eyes widened. Was it my heart fluttering or the butterflies in my stomach?