'Add Magic'

As I stepped out from the car on the greyish road, I observed the merry green woods on either side of the road. A car whooshed by and Tyler stared at me.

"Aren't you going to open a portal?" Another car whizzed by, slurring my words.

"Not here." He examined the road and then the woods. "Let's head into the woods, " he suggested.

We dived into the depths of woods with possibly five minutes of walking in silence accompanied by the rustling of leaves, near and distant tweeting of fowls, the chittering of squirrels.

Sunlight infiltrated the interstice of the tall and thick trees. Fresh breeze with the smell of nature hitting on my face, made me want to close my eyes and admire the rare and diversified magnificence, the nature has to offer.

Keeping up with his pace and long strides appeared to be hard. Also, the adorable squirrels jigging on the branches kept getting me distracted.