'Pretty Please'

Tyler grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the sofa, telling me to sit as the glass shards could hurt me. He took care of them in a moment or two, using magic probably.

"Why did it break?" I asked nervously.

"It's okay, there's nothing to worry about. You used much more mana than needed. That's all." He approached me worryingly. "Do you feel a little exhausted or drained? After all, it's your first time using these powers of yours."

"I did feel a mild headache, but it's gone now and I don't feel exhausted at all," I stated the obvious.

"That's great! It means your mana doesn't have limitations, just as I'd expected." He gave me a rewarded smile. "For a magic user, using mana for an extended time can be exhausting, but it's a different story when it comes to you."

"So, you mean I can use magic how ever and as long as I want?" I deciphered.

"Correct." He walked towards his desk and pointed the nearest shelf. "Just pick any book from this shelf using your powers."