'Calming the Chaos'

Before I completely realized it, a magnificent being was standing in front of me. Bright ocean blue eyes hidden behind sleek silver strands of long hair stared at me for a moment, it calmed my every fibre and made me feel drowsy.

"Stop with your irresponsible acts right now!" The entity ordered Maureen in a deep voice.

On both sides of this entity stood people covered in similar white hooded cloak-like attires.

Maureen immediately stepped down the elevated platform and kneeled in front of them.

"I apologize for my actions, I can explain—"

"We're Not here to listen to your justifications. We already have enough complaints about your ruling and injustices." The silver-haired who seemed to be their head glowered.

Tyler held my hand with both of his and stood up whispering he's okay. I held his arm tightly with my shaking hands afraid he'd fade away. Silently, the three of us contemplated the scene unfolding in front of us.