
I was at Lady Miary's door waiting for her to come out to have dinner. I nervously knocked on her door but no response. I knock again and I call her but still no response. Maybe she's already at the dining hall.

"Avy!!!! wait, you idiot! Where do you think you are going?!" she shouted at me as she holds my collar with her angry face. And I looked away because of the closeness of her face so it was a little bit uncomfortable to look at her directly. Her face was slightly pinkish when she let go of my collar and cannot look at me when I faced her. It seems that her anger subdued and has been tempered by now and she was like a shy child.

"Lady Miary I want to apologize earlier in yo-----hemp" she stopped me from speaking and she glared at me as she looks at the maids behind her. I got it when she releases her hands on my mouth.

"Avy let's talk after dinner so watch your mouth if you don't want to be punished" she whispered at my ears as she walks first to the dining hall. I don't have a problem with what happened since I'm a girl but because she thought I was a man it was awkward for her. Well, what would be her reaction when she found out, I was a woman. Hahahaha I really want to know but I know that it can't be because that can be considered treason.

We arrived at the dining hall and we bumped into the duke, we greeted him before we seated, oh I forgot to tell you that the Duke and Lady Miary treated me as a family that's why I was eating with them. Even though I don't want to but I can't turndown since they treated me well and also she insists that I should dine with them or else, she will threaten me with she will marry me when we are younger that time so I don't have any choice to dine with them than to get married. The duke adores his daughter so he did not have a choice to give what she wants so I ended up here even if I was just a commoner knight because of that threat by her. I cannot imagine I am going to marry a girl. I feel like I want to puke by thinking of those memories. Grrr.

We eat silently and the Duke breaks the silence, " Miary how's the tea party of the Duchess?" he asked.

"It's ok. Nothing is special," she answered as she finished her dessert.

"Avy prepare all the things you need tomorrow including the reminders for the knights. We should not make any mistakes for assisting the crown prince arrival." the duke asked me.

"Yes sir," I answered and we continue to eat. After eating, Lady Miary and I went to her room. And she quickly told her maids to rest including her own maid.

"Avy, let's forget what happened earlier. I know both of us do not want to get married, don't you?" she said that's why I just nodded because I really don't want to.

"Then don't tell anyone of what happen, okay or else," she said as she signed she will bit my neck so I swallowed in no time.

" Yes. Don't be like that Lady Miary as if we haven't been together for three years. I even help you get out of trouble and to your father when going on a vacation." I said that's why she suddenly looked at me badly and I knew she was serious and does not joke.

"I said it would be quiet," I said so she lost her stares at me.

"Just make sure you have nothing to say especially to the Duke otherwise we might get married to each other," she says

"Don't worry Lady Miary, I won't tell any word about this incident. And I really don't want to be wed to you, even if you are the only woman living here in the world. I'd rather be single in my whole life." I answered and looked at her.

"Did you just insult me?" she asked calmly and smiled creepily and suppressed her anger.

"No, I just said that I don't want to get married," I answered immediately and smiled.

"Really? Do you seem to be insulting me? Or did I just hear something else?" she said as she approached me.

"I did not insult you Milady, you just heard wrong. Who doesn't want to marry you soon? Is it the Duke's very beautiful child! Of course, no one complains !." I answered immediately as I stepped back and was nervous about what I would do. Why did I say those things? I was sweating because she was still approaching me.

"Oh really? Maybe I've heard it wrong," she said before stopping but her facial expression was saying something different.

"Yes, Lady Miary you've heard it wrong. Why would I say something ridiculous to my Lady." I said

"Then, would you rather die single or would you marry me?" she asked me, and here is the question I avoid.

"Of course, I would rather marry you, a noble lady, and the only daughter of the Duke. Who am I to refuse if the Duke wishes me to marry you? '' in my mind 'eww I would rather die!'

"Really? then I've really heard it wrong awhile ago. HAHA"

That's why I just smiled hard and said goodbye. I don't want to prolong our conversation, maybe it will go somewhere else, maybe I will get hit in no time. It's good that she didn't say what I said before so I left immediately and went to my room and slept.



'Yes sir, Knight Avy just got out from the room of Lady Miary just now. I don't know what they've talked but I think I have a clue.'


'I think it is related to what happen awhile ago before the dinner when Lady Miary stopped knight Avy to continue of what he is going to say.'