The Crown Prince and Ian Welcome Party and the Festival Part 3

Hmm. I can't wait for Avy's secret.

*End Renz pov:*

I woke up when the sun is setting already, it is nearly in the evening so I got up to get ready. I planned to watch the lantern festival in the city because I can travel well and I have no one to watch. This is also the reason why I did not come along at the banquet even though I have the chance to see Ian. Well, this time I will definitely enjoy the festival because in the past years it was not, because of Lady Miary since we ended up not allowed to attend or we would have fallen into chaos, or it is either fighting with the seller or destroying the business. So I planned to take this opportunity to enjoy the festival without her but I can't go out like these since they will immediately recognize me, who escorted the Crown Prince and Commander Ian. So, I need to disguise before I will enjoy the festival.