The Hunting Event Part 7

The Reunion: Avy and Ian

"How did you end up as Lady Miary's knight?" He changed the topic of our conversation so I looked at the water.

"*took a deep breath* I decided to have a journey after you left and I met her on my way," I told him how did I meet Lady Miary but I didn't tell him what happened to Lady Layla and the main reason why did I went to a journey. He just listens to me until then while I'm playing with the water.

"How is Lady Layla?" He asks me and I immediately looked at the sky before I replied that they were okay when I left them there even though I want to cry but I can't because tell him since he is working with the knights under the Kingdom. He was quiet so I looked at him because he was serious but when he looked at me he smiled. I'm not sure if I saw it right or not before he replied 'that's good to hear' so I just smiled.