Last Day of the Hunting Event

Thankfully, they stop questioning me and they returned to their camp to rest while Kerz, Dravis, and Klin cleaned up the table while I went for a little walk. I ended up going to the magical tree and the magical beast.

I looked closely at the tree and I can say it was very beautiful because you can see the mana surrounding it that served as a light, it was emerald color and it is really breathtaking while the wolf sleeping in its trunks also bright with its light blue highlight with ash color fur. I can't take off my eyes since it was really beautiful, then something strange when I felt someone is calling me towards the tree.

I snap at it when I was already in front of the tree and I did not realize that I had come to it voluntarily. I felt an urge to hold the tree so I hold the tree with my right hand and the tree light it up so I immediately let go of it as I covered my eyes because of the brightness coming from the tree.