
I let them out since I can't show them my magic to finish the antidote using magic but it will take so much mana. I managed to make it as I take a rest for a bit before I can feed it to him. After 15 minutes, I went to Renz to give him the antidote but then I was having a problem since he was sleeping so he can't drink it. I tried to make him drink him while holding his head and open his mouth but it won't go in.

"How I wish I have an injection or dextrose," I said as I lowered his head to the pillow because my hand was already numb and I was thinking of how I could give him a drink.

"Ugh, I don't want to do it but I have no choice to do the CPR method for him to take in the antidote" I murmured as I drink the antidote but I didn't swallow as I open his mouth and I transfer the antidote through our mouth so literally, we are kissing but don't get me wrong since I was giving him the antidote.