Get Together

"You really love chocolate," I turned to the one who spoke and it was Ian as he sat in the chair in front of me.

"They are my happiness," I said as I smiled before I scoop my parfait.

"Did something happen?" He asks me as he looks at me worried. I don't know why does he know if did something happens to me even though he was not with me.

"It's nothing," I said as I smiled to hide it,

"Don't lie, Avy. There's evidence in your eyes even if you soak your face with cold water. It's visible," He said.

"I just remember something bad," I said.

"I know it's not bad but more than bad, right?" He said as he pats my head just like when we were a kid to comfort me as he gave me chocolate.

"I remembered something yesterday but I am okay. Ash was there for me," I said. He was smiling but then he looks so serious and immediately smiled as well.

"That's good," He said as he also drank his black coffee since he really doesn't like sweets but he can eat if I gave him.