
"I just want to tease you but you looked so frightened so I pulled you to make you feel comfortable if you are looking down on me," He innocently said like a child as if he doesn't mean anything wrong with his action so I sighed even more.

"*sighed* Don't do that again Ash," I said since he is looking at me with his puppy eyes as if I am imagining his ears as well as his tails.

"Okay," He said sadly as he looks down as if I punished him. D*mn, Is he really a magical beast?!

And why does Ian always witness this kind of situation that leads to misunderstanding?!

"You stay here. Don't you dare follow me," I said with a scary look as I looked at him when he was about to say something like 'he will apologize' but it will just adding fuel into the fire?

"..." He didn't say a word when I leave my room. I was nervous while walking going to Ian’s office since his office is likely his bed than his room which is more comfortable.

*knock* *knock*