Jemin Ian Vego

His expression soften when I looked at him until a while ago that I can't read what's on his mind, "N, Nothing. I was just worried that you might not eat it well but you look fine," I said as I smiled.

"Is that so?" He said as he continues to eat.

After he is done eating he went to sleep since he needs to rest more because I put him to sleep even though he still refused since he said that he is really okay but I insist that he needs more sleep.

Next day...

I woke up and looked around as I saw Ian wearing a polo, "Ian, what are you doing? You need more rest," I said while getting up and approaching him as I helped him wear his polo because he was having difficulty moving his body.

"I have enough rest, Avy," He said while smiling at me, "No, you should rest more," I repeat to him.

"I am much better okay than yesterday since the pain is bearable and I can move now," He said.

"Alright, but still don't overdo," I said since he seems okay to be able to move.