It is true that I bought it for us but I don't have any appetite now so it's all his.
"Thank you, Master!"
"Yes, yes. Eat well,"
I said as we walk towards the carriages since he is eating so we will take the carriage.
"I feel like we are forgetting something, Ash?"
"I don't really think we have, Master,"
"Lev!" "It's Lev, Master!"
We both reacted after remembering Lev, and it is already past 7 pm so Ian must be already at the residence.
"What should we do?!"
"I don't know, Master,"
"Don't me 'I don't know' Ash just because Ian can't really punish you!"
He didn't answer instead he is eating so I immediately grabbed his BBQ skewer.
"Give it back to me, Master!"
"No! Unless you are going to help me out with Ian,"
"Fine, I'll help you!"
So I give back the BBQ skewer.
He looked at me with a frowning reaction on his face when I chuckled.