The Masquerade Party (2)

"It's alright since it's my pleasure to do it,"

He said as he smiles at me.

"I, Is that so?"

"Yes, so let's rest for a bit and we can greet his Highness then we can go back home,"

Philip said as he puts back the heels of my feet.


I answered.


"Are you okay?"

I asked the lady who is in a white dress and mask on the balcony since she was about to fall but fortunately, I immediately catch her, however, I got slapped in the face that my mask falls out on the floor.

"That was hurt. Is she really a woman?"

I said after I pick up the mask as I massage my left cheeks that she slapped.

However, I feel so familiar with her the moment I saw her even though I can't really see her face because of the masks.

"I should apologize to her,"

I said as I put back the mask on my face since I really need to apologize to her because I accidentally fondle her chest which was I didn't really intentionally do it but I don't regret it.

I mean, I regret it.