Close to end?

"I am okay. I'll tell you what Liz told me but please not in this position. It's really uncomfortable,"

Ian said while looking away as I look at him. He is laying down on my bed, and I am sitting on his stomach while his hand was beside his head as if I am the aggressive one in our position if we were a lover so I stood up when I realized our position.

"I, I'm sorry!"

I said while turning my back on him because of my position a while ago and I could feel the warmth of my cheeks.

"It's okay,"

Ian said but I was ashamed to look at him because of what I did and I know he was so surprised at what I did that I just wanted to be swallowed up by the ground.

"Stay there, and tell me what Liz told you,"

I said still turning my back on him.

"Are you going to talk to me like that?"


"...fine. I'll tell you what Liz told me,"