
"You two can let go of me, now. I will not follow him since I don't know where he went,"

I said and they let me go, "Young priestess, please follow us as we lead you to your room," one of the maids said as we continue to walk again in a hallway which has a little different style or the interior design of the structure.

"You can call me Avy,"

"We can't, young priestess,"

They both answered while still walking in front of me but I am not used to them calling me young priestess as if I feel like it is a burden carrying something important title like the next High Priest, although, I can't change the fact that I am his niece.

"We are here, Young Priestess,"

One of them opens a door where we stopped and let me in and I was so surprised since the room is so beautiful.

"Young Priestess, please rest well, and if you need something just ring the bell in your bed table,"