
He woke up with tears streaming down his face. He want to stay with them but he can't leave him. He's like his own self. A very closed friend. No it's more like a family. A twin. How could he. But he also want to stay with his family. He miss them so much.

Wait! What was that? Udin was so shocked. This is so confusing.

Udin think really hard.

He's on his bed. He just woke up with a very distressed emotion and a confused mind. It's not just that. He is also scared.

It's started again that dream of walking into the jungle in the mountain. He can't differentiate either it was real or just a dream. Just like before his feet dirty and full of cuts. The only think that make he believe it was a dream because he was lying down on his bed. Other than that, he saw vividly all the things that happened.

"You have to live here." "We shouldn't mingle with humans." Adam said to him.

His mother started to wipe tears that started to rolling down on her cheek.

"Why didn't you find me before?" "Why only now?" Suddenly he started shouting to Adam.

"I'm sorry my hands are tied before." "I'm just a kid like you." It's limited what I can do." Answer Adam feeling sad.

"Why father didn't do anything?" "Where is he?"

"Why he is not here?" Asked him. He feels like his family abandoned him.

His mother started to cry harder.

"I'm so sorry your father pass away seven years ago." "I tried my best to find you but to no availed."

He's so speechless. He tried not to cried but failed. He just hugged his mother. Adam too hugged them. All of them cried for quite sometimes.

That's what Udin remember from that dreams. Why is he dreaming about Adam family? And why he feels like it's himself but it's not.

"Am I losing my mind?" Udin started to doubting his own sanity.

Udin is not a talkative person at school. But at home he is like a bird that chirping. His grandmother always scolded him for that. He's changed lately.

He becomes really quiet and look forlorn.

"I will not give you up this time." That words keep repeating in his head.

"Is there anything bothering you these day Udin?"

"Oh no. There's nothing" Udin spacing again after answering Pak Samad.

After that he excused himself from the dining table and wash his plate. Pak Samad look at Mak Saodah but he didn't say anything. Mak Saodah just keep chewing her food silently.

"Salahuddin!" Madam Halimah already shouting at him. Udin still sleeping. Only after Hakimi shake his shoulder did he wake up.

"What is wrong with you Salahuddin?" "Why are you sleeping in my class?" "Go outside and stand there until the end of class!"

This is the second time he get that punishment for this week. He feel so sleepy during day times. He feel like he is not sleeping at all during night time.

He went to school with dark circles around his eyes.

They are eating in the canteen during recess time.

"If there's a matter Udin?"

Hakimi started the conversation.

"Why?" That is the only answer from Udin.

"How come you always sleepy in class now?" "Did you play games till dawn?"

"No I didn't." Answer Udin.

"Are you sick?" "Don't tell me you have insomnia."

"None of the above." " I just had a dreams." "It's make me tired and sad." "The feeling is lingering till the morning and the whole day."

"I feel so melancholic." "I didn't know how to describe it so you will understand it nor I understand it myself."

Hakimi look at Udin dumbfounded.

"Just because of a dream?" Hakimi asked him again.

Udin didn't answer Hakimi.

He just get up and take his plate to the sink and wash his hands. He didn't finish his fried noodles.

Udin also lost his appetite.

Hakimi finished his nasi lemak quickly and joined Udin.

"Is it girl problem then?"

Udin just laugh weakly at Hakimi.

"You know me right?" "It's never a matter to me at the moment."

"Then do you have nightmare about that accident?"

Hakimi is his closed friends since his primary school. Their house also near to each others. Hakimi knew about his history.

"Doctor Rizal said my conditions heal already." "I've overcome my trauma." Answer Udin confident.

"I think I sleep walking Kimi!"

"What!? Oh my God you are joking right?"

Udin look at Hakimi with angry face. This boy really has an attitude. First he asked me what is going on. But when I explain it he can't except it. "What is wrong with my world lately?"

Udin walk to their classroom and left Hakimi.

"Wait Udin!" "I'm sorry." "I'm just shocked." "Please tell me."

"Later Kimi!" "Our class start already."

Hakimi regretted with his earlier comments to Udin. If he listen first maybe he already know about Udin problem. Well there's nothing he could do about it. He has to wait until school end.

"How did you know you are sleep walking?"

Hakimi continue their earlier conversation at the parking lot.

"Both of my feet covered with muds and cuts."

"The floor also had traces of it." Explained Udin.

"Should I come to your house this afternoon?" Asked Hakimi.

"No, I will go to your house." "I don't want my grandparents know about this." "I don't want to worry them."