Vol. 2: Captivated - Chapter 37


James knew the moment Andy said Mia told him about their contract he didn’t need to go back to their room. He’d known before he even wrote that note for her this morning she’d rather be with her brother than follow his advice regarding rest and relaxation. Heck, he just wanted her to loosen up and spend some time for herself, considering how hard he’d exhausted her during their lovemaking sessions. Not to mentioned her worries over her brother.

Talking about sex, ever since this morning, he hadn’t stopped thinking about last night. Fuck! The way she’d licked, kissed, and sucked his nipples? She was so fucking seductive he’d simply wanted to let go of his self-control, throw her on her back, and pound into her. But he held himself in check. The control, however, had almost killed him.

He’d wanted her to see what it felt like to be in command, to take charge during sex, and that was why he’d allowed her to molest his body while he pretended to sleep. But he did wish she’d go further and do her sucking on the lower part of his body too. It would have been heaven.

In time, he thought. In time he’d teach her how to please him using both her hands and mouth.

At the door, he rapped a couple of loud knocks and then waited impatiently for the woman he never stopped thinking about to greet him.

“Andy?” he heard her call out. The tone of that seductive, sweet voice was full of warmth and love. It made James wonder for a moment if she’d ever call his name with that voice filled with warmth, love, and affection.

Just as quickly as that thought came into his head, however, he slammed it away with the force of cold logic. Her brother owed him two million. She was his mistress in exchange for that debt. They had sex regularly. No strings attached. No emotional connection. Just pure, hard fucking. That was all. He didn’t need her to use that lovely voice with him. Period!

The door slid open, and he was greeted by one of the loveliest smiles he’d ever seen. His cold logic instantly scattered in the air. A lump formed in his throat as he stared down at his mistress. He had the urge to take her into his arms and kiss her gently, softly, and passionately.

His heart ached something sorely. What the fuck were these feelings? He felt like his world was changing, both for better and for worse. The turmoil within him was about to kill him.

“Oh, it’s you.”

The reluctant tone accompanying that simple statement nearly broke his heart, slapping him in the face.

Fuck! He wanted her to shout to the world in happiness when he showed up. This, however? It was as if she didn’t give a damn if he were here or not.

Mia tilted her head to one side to take a peek behind him to see if her brother was there. When she didn’t see any sign of Andy, she returned her attention to James and said, “I thought you were Andy just now.”

It was hard to control this odd, envious feeling he had in his heart where Mia’s love and devotion were concerned. It was alien to him, and fuck, he just didn’t know what to do.

Andy! Andy! Andy! He had no doubt no one would ever be able to replace that beloved Andy’s position in Mia’s heart.

He cleared his throat. “Are you ready for lunch?”

She hesitated for a moment and said, “I’m waiting for Andy.” Then she brightened up. “We could all go to lunch together when he arrives.”

Like hell that’s going to happen, James thought sourly. “He’s busy with Matt.”

He didn’t bother to explain the circumstances. Matt was surely at this very moment fucking Andy senseless in the office.

“Is he?” she asked.

James didn’t miss the look of disappointment on her lovely face.

“Well, he did say he has personal business,” she said. “Maybe it’s with Matt.” She nodded in understanding.

“Come on,” he urged.

“Hold on. I’ll just get my things,” she said and rushed away to retrieve her wallet.