Vol. 2: Captivated - Chapter 39


The moment I heard that voice, my stomach fluttered with delight and my heart did a somersault. Clutching the dress even tighter against my chest, partly to hide my nakedness against the arrogant man who appeared without invitation and mostly because I was nervous around him, I turned to look at him. I tried my best to look pissed, but I didn’t know if I could manage that. I really just wanted to throw myself into his arms, naked and all.

“What are you doing?” I asked, my throat dryer than it should be.

“Checking on you,” he said, leaning against the doorframe and folding his arms across his chest as if he had all the time in the world.

I frowned. “I’m half naked here,” I said. “It’s the female changing room. I suggest you leave before Rose calls security.”

He smiled, his eyes twinkling. “She won’t.”

He sounded confident in his statement, which irritated me. I bit my lip and said, “You’ll be sorry when you get an ear blasting from one of those guys.”

He laughed and came into the small space. He even had the gall to close the door behind him. Shit! I felt trapped all of a sudden. But not in a bad way. I was with James, the man who made my body sing when he touched and kissed me.

“If that happens, they’ll risk losing their jobs, don’t you think?” he said.

I took a step back, and my body bumped against the cool mirror behind me. I shivered a little.

James cocked his head to one side. “You’d know, wouldn’t you, Mia? You wouldn’t go against your own boss? You’d risk losing your job.”

No, I thought sourly. I would never go against my own boss, especially back home in Mystic Spring. He’d sack me for even thinking about retaliating against him.

Flicking my mind back to James, a realization suddenly hit me. I swallowed hard. That bastard. So that meant he owned this particular establishment? No, wait. He probably owned this fancy shopping mall.

I glared at him. I should have guessed.

He must have realized I had finally caught on, and he laughed.

“You’re a mean bastard, James Maxwell,” I snapped. “Now get out. I need to change.”

Instead of leaving like I told him to, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. I gasped in confusion when he wrapped one hand at the nape of my neck and brought his face close.

“Shut up and let me kiss you,” he said.

I blinked as his lips found mine and then kissed me warmly. I melted into him and closed my eyes. I couldn’t help myself, groaning softly.

I loosened my grip on the dress in my hands as I further unraveled myself within his arms. Suddenly, he became wilder and slipped his tongue into my mouth.

I quivered in delight as his tongue stroked and played with me passionately. I was so weak with desire that I wanted to cry out in agony when he pulled back.

“James,” I whispered softly. I wanted to tell him not to leave. I wanted him to continue kissing me until I couldn’t bear it anymore and begged him to take me in every which way he wanted.

He took the dress from my hands and threw it to the floor. At least, I thought in relief, he didn’t rip it to pieces like he did with my other clothes.

He went down to his knees, his hands holding me close about the waist. He was facing right into my breasts, and I had to control myself not to draw him in against me and make him do those exquisite things with his lips and tongue.

He flicked his gaze up to me, and a sly smile played about his lips. “This is for torturing me last night.”

I blinked. “Huh?” Then I understood. Oh shit! He hadn’t been asleep while I’d molested him last night. I blushed profusely and bit my lip in embarrassment.

He chuckled with amusement, and I reacted a little, with a mixture of anticipation and worry.

“I thought you were asleep,” I said in defense. “I was only—”

He stuck out his tongue, placed it against my bare nipple, and licked. Once. Twice. Thrice.

He was licking my nipple like I’d done with his last night. Then he kissed it and sucked at it. All the while I groaned and clutched his head against me. My core burned for him.

“James…” I whispered softly. “James… Ngh…”

He turned his attention to the other one and gave it the same loving, ruthless treatment—torturing my nipple with his lips and tongue, licking, kissing, and sucking at it until it, too, was fully aroused, glistening, rosy, and beautifully sore.

Once he was satisfied and let it go, he stood and kissed me again, wildly and passionately, his tongue exquisitely uninhibited inside my mouth. When he let me go, I was breathless and dazed, gazing up at him, wanting more.

He snorted at my reaction, pleased. Then he turned his attention to my panties, and slowly and seductively he pulled them down over my hips and legs. I was completely naked in the changing room, and James palmed his hand against my pussy, pressing hard against my wetness.

I licked my lip deliciously. “Mmm…” I cried out in pleasure as he slipped his finger into my eager tunnel.

He was kissing me again as he continued to pleasure me. God! I hoped Rose wouldn’t happen to pass by and hear my cries. I hoped like hell she didn’t come barging in on us. The thought cooled down my desire for James a little, and I pulled back.

He was still playing with me, and the pleasure was just so indescribable I couldn’t think straight. But I knew we had to stop. This was a public place after all.

“J-James,” I squeaked out breathlessly.


I gazed at him. He seemed to be in full control of himself, unlike me.

“We have to stop,” I said.

“Why?” he asked bluntly, removing his hand to massage my breast instead.

“You know why,” I said, shivering deliciously. “We have to stop. The clothes. We’ll ruin the clothes.”

He chuckled. “We’re not stopping,” he said.

I widened my eyes in shocked surprise. “But, James!”

I couldn’t protest anymore as he slammed his lips against mine, shutting me up. Then he proceeded to slip his tongue into my mouth and worked on making me lose my mind once again.

I was so lost in the wild, passionate sex in this public place and the beautiful, intoxicated feelings James was giving me that I didn’t realize he was ready for me until he inserted his hardened shaft into me.

I groaned sweetly in satisfaction.

I was riding him, my back against the now-warm mirror and James squeezing me, plunging in and out smoothly, driving me insane.

“Oh God!” I moaned continuously.

I got to the point I just didn’t care who could hear me anymore nor who could see me in this wanton position. James made me this way. James made me wild, and I loved being this person. I loved being in his arms and him fucking me.

I clutched him as he pounded into me, his hard manhood hot inside me.

“Fuck, Mia,” he said, breathless. “Wrap your legs around me.”

I hugged him tighter against me and did as he told me, wrapping my legs around him.

I groaned. The contact was even greater in this position. I felt him—all of him—inside me, and I was wrapped around him tightly and seductively.

James continued to pulsate into me while he kissed me passionately.

“Oh James!” I cried out loudly. “I’m coming. I’m coming,” I groaned.

James lifted me higher and did one last, hard drive in and released me from my exquisite torture.

I groaned, clutching him tight against me. I came, long and hard, my core tightening inside me and my body tensing.

I collapsed on James, my whole body shaking from the experience. I had my face buried deep in the crook of his muscular neck, inhaling his scent, loving it.

He moved slightly and kissed my neck and then buried his nose in my hair. He was breathing quite hard as well, so it wasn’t only me who was exhausted from this particular session.

Then I came back to reality. Shit! We’d just had sex in public, in a shop’s changing room!

I drew back from him at lightning speed and just stared up at him, my face red with embarrassment. I licked my lips. “James! We just did it here!”

He understood my statement and smiled. “It was nice, wasn’t it?”

I frowned. “It’s indecent,” I snapped as I unwrapped myself from him, struggling to stand on my own two feet. Thank God for the mirror behind me, supporting me. Otherwise, I knew I’d collapse to my knees the moment I let him go.

He took a step back and picked up my panties amongst the expensive dresses. I quickly grabbed them from him and said, “I’m getting dressed.”

He chuckled. “Do it quickly.” He gave me a hasty kiss on the lips before exiting, leaving me alone to sort myself out.