Vol. 4: Entwined - Chapter 69

Four Days Later James

The cell phone rang insistently as James waited patiently for his daughter to pick up. It was going on to the fourth ring now, and he wondered if Aria was busy with her lessons or if she might have forgotten her cell phone while she was out playing with the dogs.

He glanced at his gold wristwatch and noted it was just after three thirty in the afternoon. It wasn’t their usual time to talk while he was away from home, but it couldn’t be helped. As of last week, he’d had no choice but to call her after her school hours instead of their usual time around eight. He’d been getting busier with work and other personal business since the incident with Andy and the Mexicans. Needless to say, there were a lot of deep, dark underground affairs he and Matt had to deal with in order to keep things under control. Of course, despite that taking up most of his days, he’d never forgotten his time with his daughter.